
What is RDR in investment?

What is RDR in investment?

The Retail Distribution Review (RDR) is a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) initiative that aims to provide greater clarity about different types of financial services available. RDR came into effect on 31 December 2012, and its requirements apply to every advisor across the retail investment market.

What is RDR qualified?

As you are aware the FSA’s Retail Distribution Review (RDR) included a requirement for advisers to raise their knowledge levels from the current benchmark Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), (or equivalent) Level 3 qualification, commonly the Financial Planning Certificate (FPC) or Certificate in Financial …

What is FAMR FCA?

The FAMR was launched jointly with HM Treasury in 2015 and built on the work of the RDR. The objective of FAMR was to identify ways to make the UK’s financial advice market work better for consumers. The FCA launched a Call for Input on consumer investments in September 2020. Responses are due by 15 December 2020.

When was the RDR introduced?

The RDR was launched by our predecessor, the Financial Services Authority (FSA), with most of the rules it introduced taking effect at the end of 2012.

What do you need to know about the RDR?

The Retail Distribution Review, or RDR, is a set of UK regulatory changes aimed at improving standards of financial advice, and consumers’ understanding of the cost of investing. Under the RDR, financial advisers, and providers of online investment platforms, must charge their clients upfront fees for…

Are there any new RDR rules for advisers?

The RDR rules stipulated that all advisers would no longer be able to receive commissions from fund companies for selling new funds to clients in 2013. There was also a new charging structure for IFAs.

What are the rules for cancellation of the RDR?

The rules also set out the effects of cancellation, including the sums to be refunded.

Do you need to take RDR for retail practitioner?

Retail practitioners who have taken both CFA Level I and the ‘old’ (level 3) IMC will need to undertake a continuing professional development gapfill session in order to ‘fill the gaps’ and be RDR compliant. View these events.