
What is longitudinal bending?

What is longitudinal bending?

The “sagging” longitudinal bending condition is creating significant stresses in the structure termed bending stresses. The bending direction is stretching the lower portion of the structure, hence tensile stresses are being created in the keel region.

What causes stress on ships?

Long and uncertain working hours have been one of the main reasons of stress onboard ships. This leads to imbalance in human biological clock caused because of lack of proper work and rest hours schedule.

What is torsional stress on ship?

Advertisements. Torsion in ships is caused due to forces which do not pass through the sheer centre line axis of a ship’s hull cross section. Torsion basically tends to twist the vessel just like how we rinse a cloth by twisting it.

What is pounding in ships?

Pounding: When a ship sails in heavy seas, it pitches. It can happen that the bow rises over the crest of a wave and emerges completely out of the water. When the bow comes back down on the water, it can be subjected to a major impact, which is pounding.

How are longitudinal stresses created in a ship?

Longitudinal stresses are created since the vessel generally grounds aft first and this creates longitudinal bending stress on the ship.

How are ships able to withstand the stresses?

As the decks, longitudinal girders and deck longitudinals also help resist the stresses, In tankers, longitudinal bulkheads also give great strength. Special steels for high-stress areas are now used, especially in large ships.

Which is part of a ship has the most bending?

The hull, viewed as a single beam, can bend up in the center, known as hogging. Primary hull bending loads are generally highest near the middle of the ship, and usually very minor past halfway to the bow or stern. Primary strength calculations generally consider the midships cross section of the ship.

How is longitudinal stress related to hydrostatic pressure?

Longitudinal Stress The forces are two in number, the weight of the ship and all that it carries acting downwards and the vertical component of the hydrostatic pressure. Depending upon the direction in which the bending moment acts the ship will Hog or Sag.