
What is highly qualified as per NCLB?

What is highly qualified as per NCLB?

NCLB uses the language “highly qualified” to describe the standard being set for all teachers, kindergarten through grade 12. For any elementary or secondary school teacher, it means someone who has “obtained full state certification as a teacher” or “passed the state teacher licensing examination” (Section 1119, p.

How do you become a highly qualified paraprofessional?

All Title I paraprofessionals must have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Additionally, paraprofessionals have the following three options to meet the designation of highly qualified: Complete two years of study at an institution of higher education; or. Obtain an associate’s (or higher) degree; or.

Do you have to meet NCLB requirements for paraprofessionals?

Yes. If an aide performs instructional duties during any portion of the day for which he/she is paid in whole or in part with Title I funds, he/she must meet the NCLB requirements for paraprofessionals. Question 5: What do you mean by “paid in whole or in part with Title I funds”?

What are the qualifications for being a paraprofessional?

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 required that paraprofessionals working in programs supported by Title I, Part A funds be highly qualified. The qualifications necessary to be considered highly qualified were prescribed by NCLB and included requirements for minimum education and subject matter competency.

Who are the paraprofessionals for Title I schools?

In a schoolwide Title I school, any student enrolled in the school is a “Title I student.” This also means that all instructional staff are working with Title I students and must meet NCLB’s requirements for highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals.

How does a paraprofessional pass a local assessment?

Pass a local assessment of knowledge and skills in assisting in instruction. (This is a locally approved assessment. Local educational agencies may develop their own assessment or use an existing assessment so long as it measures the knowledge and skills in assisting in instruction. Many districts use the CBEST for this purpose).