
What is compatibility equation in structural analysis?

What is compatibility equation in structural analysis?

Compatibility equation. The number of compatibility equations will always match the number of the redundant reactions in a given structure. For the given cantilever beam, the number of compatibility equations is one and is written as follows: ∆BP + ByδBB = 0.

How do you form compatibility conditions in structural analysis?

The compatibility conditions in linear elasticity are obtained by observing that there are six strain-displacement relations that are functions of only three unknown displacements. This suggests that the three displacements may be removed from the system of equations without loss of information.

How many compatibility equations should be written?

Explanation: No. of redundant reactions and compatibility equations are equal. This discussion on How many compatibility equations should be written if we have n no.

What is compatibility structure?

Compatibility is related to the shape of a structure. This includes deformations, location of reaction points and the way that a structure is allowed to bend and deform. Depending on the type of structure, there are some things that we know about its compatibility.

What are the compatibility equations of a structure?

In addition slope at a point of maximum deflection is zero i.e. At the fixed end rotation is resisted hence i.e. All these equations are known as compatibility equations. Any constrain in a structure when removed and do not cause instability to the structure is known as redundant.

How to calculate flexibility coefficient for beams and frames?

These methods include the use of the Mohr integral, deflection tables, and the graph multiplication method. These methods are illustrated in the solved example problems in this section. The Mohr integral for obtaining the flexibility coefficient for beams and frames is expressed as follows:

How to calculate deflection of a statically indeterminate beam?

-4 reactions -3 equilibrium equations 4 –3 = 11stdegree statically indeterminate Statically Indeterminate Beams Many more redundancies are possible for beams: -Draw FBD and count number of redundancies -Each redundancy gives rise to the need for a compatibility equation

How are the flexibility and compatibility coefficients calculated?

The flexibility or compatibility coefficients ∆ BP and δBB can be computed by several methods, including the integration method, the graph multiplication method, and the table methods. For this example, the flexibility coefficients are computed using the integration method.