What is an intermediate hockey stick?
What is an intermediate hockey stick?
Senior sticks are usually used by players ages 14 to adult; intermediate sticks by players ages 10-15 and by some adult female players; junior sticks by ages 7-12; and youth sticks by players ages 4-8. The general rule for the proper hockey stick length is that the end of the stick should come to about the nose.
What is the difference between intermediate and senior hockey sticks?
Sticks usually come in four sizes: senior, intermediate, junior and youth. Each size normally reflects a smaller shaft circumference and a softer flex. Senior sticks are usually used by players ages 14 and up; intermediate for ages 10-15; junior for ages 7-12; and youth for players ages 4-8.
What size is an intermediate hockey stick?
Mass-produced sticks typically fall into three categories: Adult, Intermediate and Junior. Adult (or Senior) sticks are generally in the 60-inch range, Intermediates around five inches shorter, Juniors in the 46- to 54-inch range.
What does P92 mean on a hockey stick?
If this is something you need you may want to check out the next curve (P92) Conclusions: This curve is best for beginners and players who want accuracy. You can pretty much put the puck anywhere you want to. Both passing, shooting and stick handling are phenomenal.
Where can I buy Reebok Hockey Sticks and pads?
With NHL clubs now willing to sell this practice and unused gear, it’s possible to get great Reebok sticks, skates and pads at a fraction of the cost, but with all of the professional details. Reebok hockey gear available at Pro Stock Hockey includes:
What should the flex rating be on a hockey stick?
1 Youth: 40 flex 2 Junior: 50 flex 3 Intermediate: 60 flex 4 Senior (regular): 85 flex 5 Senior (stiff): 100 flex
What kind of skates do hockey players use?
Along with Reebok’s well-known set of professional and casual jerseys, the company also makes high-performance skates, sticks and pads. New Reebok skates, for example, include its patented Pump technology that is designed to provide increased comfort and support to forwards on the ice.
What are the advantages of buying Reebok stock?
If you’re considering a pro stock purchase, Reebok offers a few advantages, including: Distinguished history in the sports industry and deep knowledge of hockey through acquisition of CCM. This adds up to high quality and high performance.