What is a Grade 3 laceration?
What is a Grade 3 laceration?
A grade III laceration is characterized by a laceration that is > 3 cm of parenchymal depth, a subcapsular hematoma that is > 50% surface area of ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal hematoma, and an intraparenchymal hematoma that is > 10 cm or expanding.
What is a Level 4 laceration?
Grade 4: Laceration involving the collecting system with urinary extravasation; any segmental renal vascular injury; renal infarction; renal pelvis laceration and/or ureteropelvic disruption. Grade 5: Shattered or devascularized kidney with active bleeding; main renal vascular laceration or avulsion.
What is the AAST scale for spleen injury?
– Any injury in the presence of splenic vascular injury with active bleeding extending beyond the spleen into the peritoneum Note: Advance one grade for multiple splenic injuries up to grade 3. Kozar RA et al. (2018). Organ injury scaling 2018 update: Spleen, liver, and kidney.
When was the grading system for splenic injury created?
To standardize the reporting of splenic injuries, in 1994 the Organ Injury Scaling Committee of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) developed a grading system based on the anatomic disruption of the spleen, as shown on CT scans or during laparotomy. The grading system is as follows. Grade I
What are the grades on the AAST scale?
The 1994 revision of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) splenic injury scale is the most widely used grading system for splenic trauma at the time of writing (late 2016). grade I subcapsular haematoma <10% of surface area. capsular laceration <1 cm depth. grade II subcapsular haematoma 10-50% of surface area.
What are the AAST guidelines for liver and spleen?
The AAST guidelines recommend dual arterial/portal venous phase imaging for evaluation of vascular injury of liver, spleen, or kidney 4. 1. Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ et-al. Organ injury scaling: spleen and liver (1994 revision). J Trauma. 1995;38 (3): 323-4. Article. Pubmed citation . 2. www.aast.org. Injury Scoring Scale.