What causes Ashy Dermatosis?
What causes Ashy Dermatosis?
What is the Cause? The cause of ashy dermatosis remains unknown, with no known genetic predisposition reported. Some authors have argued that it may be a variant of LP.
What happens Ashy Dermatosis?
Ashy dermatosis is a typically asymptomatic disease of unknown origin that causes gray spots to appear on the skin. Patients with this disease have been called los cenicientos (the ash ones) due to the eruptions of oval, irregular or polycyclic, gray macules with erythematous, indurated, inflammatory borders [1, 2].
Does Ashy Dermatosis go away?
Although we don’t know the cause of Ashy Dermatosis, we do know that some medications, especially some antibiotics like penicillin, can increase the risk of getting it. Unfortunately it doesn’t often go away on its own, plus medications and treatments don’t work all that well on it.
Is Ashy Dermatosis rare?
Ashy dermatosis, also known as erythema dyschromicum perstans, is a peculiar, slowly progressive, idiopathic dermal melanosis. In most cases, slate gray- to lead-colored patches are symmetrically distributed over the body. Ashy dermatosis with a unilateral distribution is rare.
What kind of skin condition is ashy dermatosis?
Ashy dermatosis is characterized by asymptomatic, symmetrically-distributed, gray-colored macules located on the trunk, neck, face, and upper extremities. The condition occurs most commonly in patients with Fitzpatrick phototype III-V skin.
What are the skin manifestations of liver disease?
General skin findings in liver disease Chronic liver disease of any origin can cause typical skin findings. Jaundice, spider nevi, leuconychia and fin- ger clubbing are well known features (Figures 1 a, b and 2). Palmar erythema, “paper-money” skin (Figure 3), ro- sacea and rhinophyma are common but often overlooked by the busy practitioner.
Are there histological patterns in drug-induced liver disease?
Evaluation of liver biopsy for adverse drug reaction is one of the most challenging problems in liver pathology. Drug-related injury can mimic all the patterns observed in primary liver disease, and an unequivocal histological diagnosis is not possible in the majority of cases.
How is the liver described in histological terms?
They’re a well known tool for learning faster and more effectively. In histological terms, the liver consists of a large number of microscopic functional units that work in unison to ensure the overall, proper activity of the entire organ. There are three possible ways of describing one such unit, as given below: