
Is Jacobsen still in business?

Is Jacobsen still in business?

In 2020, it was announced they would relocate from Augusta, Georgia to their sister factory of Ransomes-Jacobsen in Ipswich, England, UK. They are currently owned by Textron since acquisition in 1975….Jacobsen Manufacturing.

Traded as NYSE:TXT
Products Tractors, lawnmowers

Who makes ransome mowers?

Textron Inc.
Ransomes Jacobsen is a subsidiary of Textron Inc., a $10 billion multi-industry company operating in 33 countries with approximately 37,000 employees.

Where are Jacobsen mowers made?

Ipswich, U.K.
Jacobsen will maintain its sales, parts and customer-care teams in North America. relocate all manufacturing of Jacobsen professional turf equipment to its facility in Ipswich, U.K.

Are Ransomes mowers still made?

Ransomes to this day still produce a variety of grass cutting equipment; from professional high quality turf machines to more industrial gang mowers for use on wider areas such as public parks etc. yet they do still make a range of pedestrian mowers for use on manicured lawns and bowling greens for example.

What kind of Turf Equipment does Ransomes Jacobsen use?

Ransomes Jacobsen provides quality turf equipment for a wide range of applications. From large municipal areas, golf and sports arenas to industrial projects, we have the right machine to suit your needs. Ransomes Jacobsen provides quality turf equipment for a wide range of applications.

What kind of warranty does Jacobsen equipment have?

Jacobsen Genuine Parts are covered by a 180-day warranty that protects against defects in material and workmanship and covers the replacement cost of the part. Jacobsen equipment carries a two-year warranty. Please note that using anything but Jacobsen Genuine Parts may adversely affect your Jacobsen equipment warranty.

Where does Textron make lawn mowers in UK?

A US multinational is relocating all its professional mower manufacturing to Ipswich. Textron has announced it will be bringing all its Jacobsen production to its UK facility at Ransomes Jacobsen, which is based in Ransomes Europark and employs more than 240 people.

How to choose your destination for Jacobsen and Ransomes Jacobsen?

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