
How much plastic waste does Africa produce?

How much plastic waste does Africa produce?

Local reports say the country generates 2.5 million tons of plastic waste each year.

How much recycling is done in South Africa?

South Africa sends around 95 million tonnes of waste to its 826 landfill sites and less than 40% of the materials are recycled, according to analysts at Research & Markets. Additionally, the nation produces upwards of 65 million tonnes of hazardous waste, of which only 6% is recycled.

Does South Africa import plastic waste?

“The import and export of plastic waste in SA is handled through the Basel Convention. “The applicants that intend to bring the plastic waste into the country are obliged to indicate the intended use of the plastics in the country,” said Modise.

What effect does plastic pollution have on Africa?

Plastic Pollution in Africa With the growing use of single-use plastics, garbage is entering our oceans and environments at unprecedented rates. With about seven hundred species globally affected by this increase in waste, precious ecosystems are hurting.

How is recycling going to work in Africa?

The African Union – the organization represents all sovereign states on the continent – has the vision that African countries will be recycling at least 50 percent of the urban waste they generate by 2023 and grow urban waste recycling industries.

Where does most of the waste produced in Africa go?

The good news is, most of the waste produced in Africa can be recycled and reused to create new products. Sadly, only about 10 percent of the waste generated every day in Africa is collected. The rest usually ends up in illegal dump sites, gutters and drainage in Africa’s cities.

What are the targets for recycling in Africa?

One target is a recycling rate of 50 percent regarding urban waste by 2023. The “Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment in Africa” was signed in 2008 in Libreville (Gabon) as a commitment to protect human health from environmental degradation.

How many Reclaimers are there in South Africa?

Currently we have a membership of over 5500 reclaimers in and around the City of Johannesburg. We represent and defend the interests of reclaimers, and ensure that they are able to partake fully as members of society in the recycling economy and in looking after the environment.