
How do I contact Centrelink by phone numbers Australia?

How do I contact Centrelink by phone numbers Australia?

Call 136 240 to: check payment information, such as past and future payments.

What is the 1800 number for Centrelink?

1800 810 586
To use this service, you can call us on 1800 810 586.

How do I ring Centrelink?

For BasicsCard General Enquiry Line you need to dial 1800-132-594. For Cashless Debit Card Hotline you need to dial 1800-252-604. Live customer service representatives from Centrelink are available from 8:30am to 5pm AEST Monday-Friday, Saturday-Sunday closed.

Does Centrelink have a free call number?

You can phone the call centre to speak to us about Centrelink payments and services for free.

How much does Centrelink pay for parental leave?

The Centrelink Parental Leave Pay Rate is the same as the national minimum weekly wage and is currently (from 01 July 2020) $753.80 per week. How Long Is Paid Parental Leave Pay from Centrelink For? Employees can get Parental Leave Pay for a maximum of 18 weeks, but the start date cannot be more than 34 weeks after the child’s birth or adoption.

How to register for paid parental leave in Australia?

Once you’ve registered for a PRODA account, the Australian Business Register will automatically confirm your business details. If you don’t have internet access, call us on the Paid Parental Leave Scheme for employers line to register instead. We’ll send you a letter confirming your registration to provide Parental Leave Pay.

How to get help with paid parental leave?

Support for employers to help their employees access Paid Parental Leave. We have information in different languages about Paid Parental Leave scheme for employers Call our Multilingual Phone Service to speak with us in your language about your Centrelink payments and services.

What is the phone number for Centrelink Australia?

Use this line to submit a complaint, give a compliment or make a suggestion to improve our Centrelink, Child Support or Medicare services. 1800 132 468 Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm