Why is it called 8 rack?
Why is it called 8 rack?
It’s called 8Rack because of it’s primary win condition – the 8 Rack effects. While not particularly effective as a means of killing your enemy, these cards allow you to actually win the game when everything you are doing is ripping apart the opponent’s hand.
What is an 8 rack deck?
8Rack is a mono-black control deck in Modern. It uses a large number of discard spells like Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek and Raven’s Crime to empty out the opponents hand and force them to throw away cards before they get the opportunity to use them.
Why is jitte banned?
Jitte was banned for the same reason that Bitterblossom used to be banned in Modern: people still have nightmares about how dominant the card was in Standard. The card would be a great answer against narrow decks like Affinity or Elves while also being a reasonable card for creature decks to play.
What does 8 rack do in modern magic?
It’s a split card that can make an opponent discard or that can kill powerful creatures like Noble Hierarch , and many others. 8 Rack is not the most played deck in Modern, but it does a great job of attacking slightly less aggressive metagames. Decks that aren’t able to empty their hands quickly by choice will still be forced to do so.
Which is the best card in the 8 rack strategy?
The 8 Rack strategy aggressively attacks an opponent’s hand size and then finishes them off with “Rack” effects. The Rack is a cheap artifact that punishes opponents for not having cards in their hand, a perfect combo with discard spells. But Shrieking Affliction is the card that really put this strategy on the map.
Is it safe to play 8 rack in modern?
Modern is a wide open format. If you take 8 Rack to a Grand Prix, there is a chance you run into one of these decks, so it’s good to be prepared. On the other hand, we absolutely crush slow control and combo decks and fair creature decks that don’t have Loxodon Smiter, Wilt-Leaf Liege, or Lingering Souls.
Is there a budget version of 8 rack?
Unlike some budget versions of real decks, the budget version of 8 Rack actually feels fairly optimal because much of the best discard in Modern is printed at Common and Uncommon. We don’t get Liliana of the Veil, but I don’t believe this loss is a deal breaker because there are plenty of solid options to run in her place.