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What is SRA Reading Laboratory?

What is SRA Reading Laboratory?

SRA Reading Laboratory® SRA Reading Laboratory is a carefully-structured system that helps learners develop independent reading skills, fluency and confidence.

What is SRA Corrective reading Program?

About the program SRA Corrective Reading provides intensive Direct Instruction-based reading intervention for students in Grades 3-Adult who are reading below grade level. Four levels for decoding plus four for comprehension address the varied reading deficits and skill levels found among older students.

Is the SRA reading laboratory suitable for all ages?

SRA Reading Laboratory ® is available for readers at all ages and skill levels. Each student’s skill level is matched to color-coded, leveled reading selections. Use this chart to understand the level that is most appropriate for the needs of your students. An easy to use chart is provided to determine the right lab for your students.

How many Power Builders are in SRA reading lab?

Power Builders are the core of the program. Each SRA Reading Laboratory ® has more than 100 Power Builders, four-page booklets arranged in color-coded levels that keep students challenged as they progress through the program.

What does SRA stand for in Science Research Associates?

If you grew up in the 1970s or 1980s and went to public school in the United States, you almost certainly have memories of the SRA Reading Laboratory … the dreaded SRA reading levels. Here’s what SRA stands for in reading (Science Research Associates).

How is the student record book used in SRA?

The Student Record Book is used to chart progress within SRA Reading Laboratory ® . Students use it to record answers to exercises and questions, make corrections to their work, and record their scores. It also contains the Starting Level Guide, which is the placement tool for starting each student at the appropriate level.