What does the micturition reflex do?
What does the micturition reflex do?
Reflex Integration The micturition reflex involves a coordinated and sustained contraction of the detrusor muscle (the detrusor reflex) along with simultaneous relaxation of the urethra. Moreover, depending on the size of the bladder, the micturition reflex may also result in urine storage.
What are the steps of the micturition reflex?
Normal urination (micturition) occurs in the following stages:
- Urine is made in the kidneys.
- Urine is stored in the bladder.
- The sphincter muscles relax.
- The bladder muscle (detrusor) contracts.
- The bladder is emptied through the urethra and urine is removed from the body.
What is micturition process?
Micturition is a process where urine is expelled from the body. The urine formed is stored in the urinary bladder. As the bladder becomes full, the stretch receptors increase their firing rate. This increase the urge to urinate and causes micturition reflex. It sometimes even causes involuntary urination.
Is micturition voluntary or involuntary?
Micturition, or urination, occurs involuntarily in infants and young children until the age of 3 to 5 years, after which it is regulated voluntarily.
What are the receptors stimulated during micturition?
Micturition, or urination, is the act of emptying the bladder. When the bladder is full of urine, stretch receptors in the bladder wall trigger the micturition reflex. The detrusor muscle that surrounds the bladder contracts. The internal urethral sphincter relaxes, allowing for urine to pass out of the bladder into the urethra.
What is the action for micturition?
The micturition reflex can also trigger a second reflex that inhibits the tonic contraction of the voluntary external urethral sphincter through impulses via the pudendal nerve. This occurs once the bladder is distended to a significant degree. However impulses from the brain can inhibit this secondary action of the micturition reflex.
What is urination or micturition?
Micturition Reflex – Neural Control of Urination . Micturition or urination is the process of emptying urine from the storage organ , namely, the urinary bladder. The detrusor is the smooth or involuntary muscle of the bladder wall. The urethral muscles consist of the external and internal sphincter.