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How do you change the shutter speed on a Nikon D80?

How do you change the shutter speed on a Nikon D80?

You’ll need to be in ‘M’ (manual) or ‘S’ (Shutter priority) mode to change the shutter speed. then just turn the thumb dial (the one on the rear of the camera) left for slower shutter and right for faster shutter.

How many shutter actuations Nikon D80?

For the D80, Nikon claims a shutter life expectancy of 100 000 actuations.

Is 500 considered a slow shutter speed?

For example, if you want to take a photograph of water frozen in action with every little bead in focus, then you would choose a fast shutter speed like 1/500 of a second. As seen in a recent lesson on light trails, night photography also requires a slow shutter speed.

What’s the shutter speed on a Nikon D80?

Nikon D80 Exposure Options. Available exposure modes include Program AE, Manual, Aperture Priority, and Shutter Priority modes with shutter speeds from 1/4,000 to 30 seconds available, as well as a Bulb setting for longer exposures. While an impressive range, the 1/4,000 top speed is a full stop down from that of the D70/D70S,…

Which is the longest shutter speed on the 80D?

This is the longest shutter speed that the 80D will use when you have Auto ISO enabled and you are in a mode where the camera controls your shutter speed (aperture priority or program).

What are the different exposure modes for Nikon D80?

Available exposure modes include Program AE, Manual, Aperture Priority, and Shutter Priority modes with shutter speeds from 1/4,000 to 30 seconds available, as well as a Bulb setting for longer exposures.

What’s the best way to shoot with a Canon 80D?

The best way to capture action with the Canon 80D is to shoot in Shutter-priority, choose a fast shutter speed, and set the camera’s release mode to continuous shooting and autofocus to AI Servo. Start off with a shutter speed between 1/250th of a second and 1/500th of a second.