Where did the phrase out of sorts come from?
Where did the phrase out of sorts come from?
Out of sorts means feeling irritable, upset or unwell. Most commonly, the origin of the term out of sorts is attributed to typesetting. As this theory goes, the phrase refers to the individual metal type called sorts that printers used. These sorts would be stored in their individual compartments.
What does the idiom’out of sorts’mean?
In an irritable, grouchy, or unhappy mood; not feeling well or in good spirits. I think something is bugging John, because he’s been rather out of sorts lately. After living in Florida for so long, these awful Minnesota winters leave me feeling out of sorts. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
What’s the difference between out of sorts and out of humor?
out of sorts. Irritable, grouchy, as in Don’t ask him today-he’s out of sorts. This expression also implies that one’s poor spirits result from feeling slightly ill. [Early 1600s] The synonym out of humor, on the other hand, used more in Britain than America, simply means “ill-tempered” or “irritable.” [Mid-1600s] See also: of, out, sort.
How to use out of sorts in English?
You are feeling out of sorts and unable to see the wood for the trees. He seemed somewhat depressed. She went to bed, miserable and depressed. The old man sounded really down. `I didn’t ask for this job, you know,’ he tells friends when he is low. There’s no earthly reason for me to feel so blue. The loss left me feeling sad and empty.
What does out of sorts mean in printing?
In printing, out of sorts means that the printing machine is out of stock of some of the letters needed for the typesetting. In the dialogue below, two men use the idiom while discussing how they are doing. Robert: Hey Marty. How’s it going? Marty: Couldn’t be better! How about you? How are you? Robert: Oh, I guess I’m okay.