What is the double contrabass flute used for?
What is the double contrabass flute used for?
Although this great flute can be used as solo instruments, it is best used in flute choirs, orchestras, concerts, ensembles or film scores. This is because it enables the flutists to play even the lowest notes of an orchestral instrument.
Who made the double contrabass flute?
The contrabass flute in C is produced by Jean-Yves Roosen (France), by the Japanese firm of Kotato & Fukushima, Eva Kingma, Pearl, Di Zhao, and Christian Jäger from Munich. Jupiter flutes has created a student model for flute ensembles. Kotato & Fukushima sell their double contrabass flutes for US$24,000.
What family is the double contrabass flute in?
flute family
The Kotato double contrabass flute, one of four in the world, is made of over 18 feet of tubing and stands over 8 feet tall. With a range one octave below the contrabass flute, two octaves below the bass flute and three octaves below the concert flute, this flute is truly the foundation of the flute family.
Which is the best contrabass flute in the world?
The Kingma Sub Contrabass Flute in G, one of three in the world, speaks ½ octave below the contrabass flute, or two and ½ octaves below the concert flute. Like the contrabass, the footjoint has an adjustable post. This instrument is fabulous in that it not only supports the contrabass flute, it also helps propel my double contrabass flute.
How tall is the Kotato double contrabass flute?
This instrument is fabulous in that it not only supports the contrabass flute, it also helps propel my double contrabass flute. The Kotato double contrabass flute, one of four in the world, is made of over 18 feet of tubing and stands over 8 feet tall.
Is there a flute lower than the bass?
Flutes lower than bass have now begun to proliferate. Eva Kingma produces a contrabass flute in G, pitched a fourth below the bass flute, as well as a full contrabass in C, pitched an octave below the bass flute. Kotato & Fukushimamake a sub-bass flute in F, as well as contrabass in C and double contrabass in CC (range down to C1).
What kind of flute has a T shaped head?
The contrabass (with the “T”-shaped head joint) is actually a Pinschophone (named after the flautist who designed and/or commissioned its construction): it is actually a bass flute with an extension down to low G, but is also sometimes called a contrabass flute.