Useful tips

What do you do with baby bunnies in your yard?

What do you do with baby bunnies in your yard?

If you have baby bunnies in your yard, the correct thing to do is to simply leave them alone. Avoid mowing the area for a couple of weeks. And don’t worry about your dogs— since the bunnies don’t have a scent, a dog will only find the babies if it happens to see the mother feeding them at dawn and dusk.

Are rabbits bad for my lawn?

Typically, rabbit damage can create big problems for yards. They gnaw plants down to the root and concentration of urine can create brown spots in lawns. Rabbits love to eat grass, and will munch it all the way down to the crown. This puts a lot of stress on the plant.

Is it OK to pick up a wild baby bunny?

It’s safe to pick up a baby rabbit as long as you are careful. Because rabbits are so fragile, it’s vital to know exactly how and when to do it. If you pick up a baby rabbit incorrectly, they could get hurt. If you’ve got a strong bond with the mother, you can handle baby rabbits from birth.

What to do if you find a baby rabbit in your yard?

Put the kit back where you or they found it, cover it with some grass and walk away. If you returned the baby to a spot in your yard and you have a dog or cat, keep them away from the area until the rabbits are gone. We leashed our dog and took him to another area of the yard to do his business.

What should you feed wild baby bunnies?

When they start eating at about 2 weeks, they will eat alfalfa hay, carrots, and rabbit pellets. Don’t feed them lettuce or cabbage. Baby wild rabbits are like domestic rabbits – they will not bite you and are safe to raise.

When to feed baby bunnies?

Feeding baby rabbits falls mostly to the mother rabbit for the first 3 weeks of the bunny’s life. Between 3 weeks and around 6 weeks old, the baby rabbits need less and less of mom, and more and more pellets and hay.

Where can you buy baby bunnies?

Private and hobbyist breeders often advertise rabbits for sale on the internet, in local papers, pet shops or vets and are the best place to buy a rabbit for those particularly looking for a baby rabbit raised in a home enviroment and wanting knowledge of their age and history.