Useful tips

How do I promote kikuyu growth?

How do I promote kikuyu growth?

Here are just a few maintenance tips to keep your Kikuyu going strong.

  1. Watering.
  2. A thorough yet infrequent soak will promote deep root growth and a more drought resistant lawn. Early morning is the best time to water. Over-watering can lead to root rot and disease, as well as excessive growth. Mowing.
  3. Fertilising.

How do I establish kikuyu pasture?

Kikuyu is usually sown with a cover crop of oats or ryegrass at about half the normal sowing rate (15kg/ha for ryegrass or 60kg/ha for oats). Then in late spring, when it is warm enough for kikuyu to grow, graze or slash the resident sward (oats/ryegrass) frequently to prevent young kikuyu seedlings being shaded.

Can I plant kikuyu grass in winter?

Some lawns (Kikuyu, Tifsport & All Seasons) can be laid at any time of the year. Thorough preparation is very important for the best results. Don’t arrange delivery of your turf before you have completely prepared the soil bed. If you want to replant a large lawn, you may want to tackle it in sections.

Can you use kikuyu grass in New Zealand?

Kikuyu is a creeping grass that can quickly spread and become a nuisance in your garden. However, Kikuyu can be a useful grass to use as a heat and drought tolerant grass lawn in northern and coastal parts of New Zealand.

How long does it take for Kikuyu grass to germinate?

As the kikuyu seed is very fine, mix thoroughly before dispersion. Fast germinating ryegrass minimises soil erosion and reduces weed competition while the kikuyu seedlings establish. Kikuyu germinates best when soil temperatures are above 21°C. The vigorous seedlings emerge in seven to twenty-one days.

When is the best time to plant a Kikuyu lawn?

It is recommended that kikuyu lawns should be established between November and March, with a minimum temperature of 15degrees C required for germination and growth, so there’s still time to sow, thanks to this year’s Indian summer. Contributed by Anna McNaughton.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of kikuyu grass?

Most of the problems of Kikuyu grass could be also considered as strengths. Being a strong, overpowering grass is good, as it will prevent weed growth, but it also makes it difficult to plant anything else as it will immediately suffocate every foreign sign of life.