A lot of information surrounds us: at school, at home, on the street, and the internet. How can we not forget the important things? And we also need time to have fun, don’t we?
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No wonder so many of us forget everything we’ve learned at the speed of sound. But it’s inefficient! Then you have to repeat yourself and waste effort again, which could be put to better use on the material you’ve already learned.
Today, we offer our tips for the study that will help you save time and remember the mountain of information dumped on the shoulders of the students for a long time and without effort.
1. Repeat at once
After each lesson, think for 1-2 minutes about what you have been told. Repeat the main points of the topic without a notebook or outline. Think: “Today I learned about…”. – and remember all the things you learned in class.
This short exercise will save you a lot of time because the repeated information will stay in your brain longer.
Think: “Today I learned about…” – and recall everything you have learned during the session.
2. Read effectively
Before reading a paragraph carefully, go through all its paragraphs, subheadings, etc. Also look at the diagrams, tables, and pictures. Next, read the introduction and conclusion of the topic, and pay attention to the questions after the text.
Only then begin to prepare traditionally: read from beginning to end. And after you have gone through each page, stop and think back to what you have learned.
Also, try to mentally ‘outline’ each paragraph after you have studied it.
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3. Use index cards
It’s a great method for preparing for an exam/test/quiz, so don’t be lazy.
Take cardboard or heavy paper and cut it into small cards. On one side write a term, concept, foreign word, or any information you are trying to memorize, and on the other define it. Take each card and try to remember what is written on the back, then leaf through and read the correct version. Do not try to repeat what you have already looked at once in a session.
This exercise lasts only 10-15 minutes but should be done daily. It is best to categorize the cards into several categories. The first category is that you are just beginning to learn, and should be repeated every time. The second one that you are already familiar with, you should repeat twice a week. Later the interval can be reduced to once a week and then once a month.
In this way, you will have four types of cards, which you repeat with different frequencies. However, every piece of information needs to be recalled at least once a month.
And to become a real pro at this technique, try shuffling the cards amongst yourselves on different topics and even subjects. I wonder if you can think of mathematics, history, chemistry, and biology at once.
When memorizing a rule, a poem, or a formula, do not try to learn it by heart, because you will forget it as soon as you have written the test. Try to think about what you are learning. Imagine a poem. For example, how a linden tree is rustling and your beloved is sleeping, and you have to come and wake her up. You can even draw it on one or more sheets of paper and hang it in a prominent place.
Look for the real implementation of laws, rules, and formulas. This kind of learning will be more effective.
5. Read in advance
Familiarise yourself with the topic before you have a lesson about it. Read the paragraph, and review the basic rules. This is important because then you will absorb the information better and remember it longer in class. Imagine how clever you will feel at school, having read a lot on your own! This system requires a lot of willpower, but we believe you can do it.
6. Exercise your skills
Make sure you do some exercises on the material you have just learned. This is the only way you can consolidate your knowledge. Do some tests, answer the questions after the paragraph, solve two or three problems, or at least just retell the text. All of this will help you to absorb the most important information.
<h2> 7. Explain to others
Try to tell the information you have just absorbed to someone who does not know it yet, to parents or relatives. Start a blog on a subject and post your understanding of the school material there.
When you try to explain something, you become more familiar with the subject and become more aware of all the connections, processes, and definitions. In general, we find that learning with someone has a lot of advantages.
8. Exercise
Go to the gym several times a week, run around the house, go to a street gym or just do your daily exercise. Physical activity boosts your brain activity and makes it easier to concentrate on the tasks at hand.
And if you’re having trouble studying because something keeps distracting you, read our article about the best essay writing service reddit.