Users' questions

Why is it important to wear a training mask?

Why is it important to wear a training mask?

A training mask is designed to help you re-create the conditions of high altitudes when you can’t physically go high above sea level. Wearing this mask while exercising is believed by some to help you achieve the same benefits you might achieve if you were training at these high altitudes.

When to stop wearing an altitude training mask?

Bellovary’s 2019 study, published in the Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, found that after 6 weeks of high-intensity cycling intervals there was no difference in blood oxygen saturation in subjects wearing a restrictive mask versus those not wearing one.

Which is the best training mask for running?

TRAININGMASK Training Mask 3.0 + Carry Case | Gym Workout Mask – for Cardio, Running, Endurance and Breathing Performance [Official Training Mask Used by The Pros]… . . . . Need help?

What’s the best way to add a mask to an ETM?

Ramp up gradually. Consider scaling up your regular workouts before adding a mask. Adjust the valves. Some ETMs will let you tinker with the altitude settings quite a bit. Choose a low level until you see how you react, and gradually work your way up.

Are there any studies on Hypoxic Training masks?

Those tests were typically limited to treadmill running or stationary cycling. The masks that we see being sold, well, if they work like training at altitude or in one of these special hypoxic rooms, then we can expect them to have the same effects. Looking over the available research, here are some of the more relevant studies I found:

Can you run with an oxygen mask on your face?

Other tests had subjects strap a mask to their faces with a huge oxygen regulator attached by a tube to the other end (so they couldn’t do much moving around). Those tests were typically limited to treadmill running or stationary cycling.