Users' questions

What is the significance of Tiresias to the god Apollo?

What is the significance of Tiresias to the god Apollo?

1. What is the significance of Teiresias to the god Apollo? He is a prophet, and Apollo is the god of prophecy; Teiresias knew the will of the gods more than other mortals; he is Apollo’s servant in a way.

What is the prophecy of Tiresias in Oedipus?

In the first act of Oedipus Rex, Teiresias predicts that Oedipus will be a sibling to his own children, and a son to his own wife. He also tells Oedipus that Laius was the man whom Oedipus killed on the road. Oedipus does not believe the words of Teiresias, and Teiresias is angered by Oedipus’s insolence.

Why can Tiresias resolve a dispute between Hera and Zeus?

Some time later, Zeus and Hera asked Tiresias to settle a dispute over the question of who had more pleasure during sex. When Tiresias replied that sex was nine times better for women than men, Hera was so enraged that she blinded him.

What was the story of Tiresias in Greek mythology?

From fruits to winged sandals, test your knowledge in this study of Greek and Roman mythology. At Thebes, Tiresias played an active part in the tragic events involving Laius, the king of Thebes, and his son Oedipus. Later legend told that he lived for seven (or nine) generations, dying after the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes.

Who is Tiresias in Homer’s the Odyssey?

In Greek mythology, Tiresias in The Odyssey is the son of the nymph, Charicio, who is a disciple of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. A blind Theban prophet, in addition to making a brief appearance as a mentor in Homer’s Odyssey, he is also present in the works of many ancient philosophers such as Sophocles, Euripides, Pindar and Ovid.

How did Tiresias die in the story of the Epigoni?

The gods express their disapproval of Creon’s decision through Tiresias, who tells Creon ‘the city is sick through your fault.’ Tiresias and his prophecy are also involved in the story of the Epigoni . Tiresias died after drinking water from the tainted spring Tilphussa, where he was impaled by an arrow of Apollo.

Who is the nymph Tiresias is the son of?

In Greek mythology, Tiresias in The Odyssey is the son of the nymph, Charicio, who is a disciple of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.