Users' questions

How much does it cost to renew an LLC in Texas?

How much does it cost to renew an LLC in Texas?

LLC Annual Fees (as of 2021):

State LLC LLC Filing Fee LLC Annual Fee
South Dakota LLC $150 $50
Tennessee LLC $300 $300 minimum
Texas LLC $300 $0 for most LLCs (however a No Tax Due Report and Public Information Report must be filed every year)
Utah LLC $70 $20

Do you have to renew your LLC in Texas?

Annual Report Unlike most states, Texas does not require LLCs to file annual reports with the Secretary of State. However, LLCs must file annual franchise tax reports (see below).

Can you have an anonymous LLC in Texas?

It is fairly common for business owners to want to fully separate their personal and business lives from each other. As such, anonymous LLCs are a popular option….Enjoy Your Privacy.

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Are members of an LLC public information?

The Statement of Information does require a list of the LLC’s members, and it does become public record. In simple terms, the organizer is just the person who is filing the LLC with the state.

Do you have to pay for LLC Every year in Texas?

There are no annual registration fees imposed on LLCs in Texas. However, your LLC may need to file an annual franchise tax statement with the Texas Comptroller. The fee is $15 for most changes; however, changing the registered agent requires an additional $15 for a consent form signed by the registered agent.

How do I make my LLC anonymous?

Once you’ve created your anonymous holding company, you can start an anonymous LLC in any state by simply listing the holding company as the owner. Since no records tie you to the LLC and no records connect you to the anonymous holding company, your ownership interest in the LLC remains private.

Can LLC owners be anonymous?

An Anonymous LLC State is where you can form an LLC business entity and are not required to provide the identity of the owners, members or managers. Other names for anonymous LLCs include “confidential LLC” or “private LLC.” The most popular states for an anonymous LLC are Delaware, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Nevada.

How do I know if my LLC is approved?

To check an LLC’s status, you can request a copy of its Certificate of Standing. A company that is in good standing will have a current Certificate of Good Standing. You can do this for every state.