Users' questions

How far is Pokhara from Sunauli?

How far is Pokhara from Sunauli?

The distance between Pokhara and Sunauli is 101 km. The road distance is 190.6 km.

Which highway runs from Sunauli to Pokhara?

Siddhartha Highway is one of the shortest highways to connect Tarai with the hill districts. It covers 120 kilometres from Sunauli, the Indian border point, to Pokhara.

How do I get from Gorakhpur to Pokhara?

There is no direct connection from Gorakhpur to Pokhara. However, you can take the train to Barhni, take the walk to Krishnanagar, take the bus to Butwal, then take the drive to Pokhara. Alternatively, you can take the drive to Pokhara.

How much is the bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara?

Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus Details:

Title Description
Tourist Bus Fare Deluxe Bus: Rs. 700. Super Deluxe Bus: Rs. 800. VIP Deluxe Bus: Rs. 2000. Super VIP Deluxe Bus: Rs. 2200.
Departure time 07:00 from Sorkakhutte Tourist Bus
Reporting Time 06:30 at Sorkakhutte Tourist Bus

How many highways are there in Nepal?

Routes. On current operations, there are 18 active routes of National Highways throughout the country. Three highways are under construction. Freeways are counted as highways too.

Which highway connects Pokhara and Baglung?

Prithvi Highway
Prithvi Highway: It is a busiest Highway in Nepal. It connects Kathmandu with Pokhara and then to Baglung.

What is the best time to visit Pokhara?

September to November is the best time to visit Pokhara; it is also considered as the peak tourist season. December to February are the coldest months in Pokhara. The winter continues till March since Pokhara is at proximity to the Himalayas, the peak months are when tourists indulge in trekking and hiking.

Is Pokhara cheaper than Kathmandu?

Nepal is a cheap place, Pokhara is marginally more expensive than Kathmandu…

Which highway is longest in Nepal?

Mahendra Highway
Mahendra Highway: It is longest highway in Nepal.

Which place is called the gateway of Nepal?

It lies 135 km (84 mi) south of the capital Kathmandu, attached in the north to Raxaul in the border of the Indian state of Bihar. As an entry point to Nepal from Patna and Kolkata, Birgunj is known as the “Gateway to Nepal”.