Users' questions

How do you fire an action event in Java?

How do you fire an action event in Java?

Modify the MessagePanel class so that it can fire an ActionEvent when an instance of the MessagePanel class is clicked. Name the new class MessagePanelWithActionEvent. Test it with a Java applet that displays the current time in a message panel whenever the message panel is clicked, as shown in Figure 36.9.

How do you trigger an action listener?

How to Write an Action Listener

  1. Declare an event handler class and specify that the class either implements an ActionListener interface or extends a class that implements an ActionListener interface.
  2. Register an instance of the event handler class as a listener on one or more components.

What is actionPerformed method in Java?

The method actionPerformed handles all the actions of a component, and inside this method, you will define or write your own codes that will be executed when an action occurred. Here’s an example on how to implement ActionListener in Java.

Which components uses actionPerformed () method to process the ActionEvent?

Uses of ActionEvent in java. awt. Handles the actionPerformed event by invoking the actionPerformed methods on listener-a and listener-b. Processes action events occurring on this menu item, by dispatching them to any registered ActionListener objects.

Where to find fireactionperformed method in Java?

If you check out the Java 8.0 source code there, and look up javax then swing, then AbstractButton, you’ll find a fireActionPerformed (ActionEvent event) method: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

How does the’actionperformed’method get called without an event?

This will cause the actionPerformed methods of all attached ActionListeners to be called. Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. The event instance is lazily created using the event parameter.

How to programmatically send ActionEvent to Java?

If you don’t want to call doClick () on the button, then you can simply call the code called by the button’s action. Perhaps you want to have whatever class that holds the actionPerformed method call a public method that other classes can call, and simply call this method.

Is there a way to fire events without user interaction?

When an ActionEvent signals that a button was pressed you are interested in the meaning of that hit for the program, not in knowing if the mouse or keyboard was involved. Some of the semantic events can be generated without user interaction, they can be generated programatically via the apropiate methods. Like AbstractTableModel.fireTableXXX