Users' questions

Can I get a copy of my immunization records online?

Can I get a copy of my immunization records online?

Only doctors, schools, child-care centers, public healthcare providers, and other authorized healthcare organizations may directly access ImmTrac. Immunization records are NOT available to view online by the general public, including parents or legal guardians.

How do I locate my immunization records?

Check with your doctor or public health clinic. Keep in mind that vaccination records are maintained at doctor’s office for a limited number of years. Contact your state’s health department. Some states have registries (Immunization Information Systems) that include adult vaccines.

Can I get a copy of my immunization records online Ontario?

Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) Online System You can now submit, view and/or get your current immunization record online. Keep track of immunizations by reporting them to your local public health unit through this system.

How do I find my immunization records on myGov?

You can access this through the myGov website using your Medicare online account (Medicare linked service), or by calling the AIR on 1800 653 809 (note that it may take up to 14 days to be sent in the mail).

How do I get my immunization records in Illinois?

Obtaining a Record in I-CARE Return the signed copy of the authorization to the I-CARE Program Staff via email at [email protected]. Be sure to include a return fax number. Records will be sent via fax upon receipt of the appropriate authorization form. Records can only be sent via fax due to HIPAA regulations.

How long does it take to get immunization records?

Ask them to send your immunisation history statement to you. It can take up to 14 days to arrive by mail.

How can I get a copy of my child’s immunization records Ontario?

You can use ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario) to view or print an immunization record for you or your child. ICON is a new provincial program that allows the public to access their immunization records and obtain yellow cards. The site is maintained by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, not the PHU.

Can I get a copy of my immunization records online Manitoba?

To access your record online, you must have a Manitoba Health Card and an email address. The website takes some time to update—it may take up to 10 days for your vaccination record to be available online. 1-844-626-8222 to request a copy.

How do I check my child’s Immunisation history?

Child’s doctor or clinic

  1. Doctors and public health clinics usually track any shots they give to your child.
  2. If your child has had more than one doctor or clinic give him or her shots, call or visit each one to get the records.
  3. Keep in mind doctors and clinics may only save vaccination records for a few years.

How do I find my identity verification code?

If you are having trouble proving your identity online, contact the Help Line on 1800 723 471. You will be given a code, known as an identity verification code (IVC), after proving your identity. You will need this code to link your myGov account to your My Health Record online.

Does Illinois have an immunization registry?

The State of Illinois utilizes Experian® as its identity verification service provider. After the verification process, individuals can see their own record in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE).