Users' questions

Are yellow diamonds more expensive?

Are yellow diamonds more expensive?

Are Yellow Diamonds More Expensive? Yellow diamonds are very rare, which can make them more expensive than clear diamonds. However, they are less rare than other coloured diamonds, such as pink diamonds. A diamond’s cost depends on the carat, clarity, colour and cut, (more on this later).

How much is a 1 carat yellow diamond worth?

The price for a 1-carat good quality Intense Yellow diamond ranges between $6,500 and $8,000. A fancy light yellow diamond is good value at about $3,500 per carat. Fancy yellow diamonds (the next step up) range between $4,500 and $5,000 per carat.

How much do yellow diamond rings cost?

Yellow Diamonds Price Chart

Diamond Color 0.50ct Price 3.00ct Price
Fancy Light Yellow Diamond $750 – $1,000 $12,500 – $17,500
Fancy Yellow Diamond $1,000 – $1,250 $18,000 – $25,000
Fancy Intense Yellow Diamond $1,500 – $2,000 $25,000 – $40,000
Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond $2,000 – $3,000 $55,000 – $75,000

How much is a 7 carat yellow diamond worth?

Therefore, a 7 carat intense yellow diamond costs nowadays approximately $125,000. But we do know that the diamond is an emerald cut, a shape that is harder to find and more expensive than radiant then the price can easily be anywhere from $150,000 – $180,000.

Is J color diamond too yellow for engagement rings?

J color diamonds will almost certainly display some yellow (or brown) color when viewed from the side or facedown, however they typically do not show much or any color when viewed from above in an engagement ring setting. To prove the point I picked out a few 2 carat diamonds from Blue Nile’s recently purchased engagement rings page.

What is the price of diamond engagement ring?

On average, the engagement ring cost can be anywhere from as little as $200 to as much as $20,000+. Like any jewelry available out there, the sky is the limit. A quarter carat or less set in a diamond can cost anywhere from $100 to $600.

What is a natural yellow diamond?

The yellow diamond, also called a canary diamond, is the colored diamond most commonly seen besides the traditional white diamond. Natural yellow diamonds may be sought after because of their uniqueness and rarity. However, yellow diamonds can be synthetically produced as well.