Which cataract causes hyperopic shift?
Which cataract causes hyperopic shift?
In the case of PSC cataract, some studies report that this type of cataract is associated with myopic compensations,6,15 but others state that PSC cataract can induce hyperopic shifts1; however further studies affirm that PSC cataract causes refractive changes similar to age-matched control groups with clear lenses.
Does diabetes cause hyperopic or myopic shift?
Diabetes affects the eye with the most commonly reported chronic changes being cataract and diabetic retinopathy. Acute hyperglycemia is associated with myopic refraction but refraction becomes less myopic (or even hyperopic) with lowering in the levels of glycemia.
What causes myopic shift in diabetes?
Duke-Elder suggested that hyperglycemia causes myopic shift, while a decrease in blood glucose levels leads to hyperopic shift due to the osmotic force between the crystalline lens and the aqueous humor that results from changes in molecular concentration.
What is myopic shift?
A myopic shift in refraction, defined as at least -0.5 diopters (D) change, was present in 37.1% of them (95% CI: 30.8% – 43.4%). The mean change in refraction of the ones who had a myopic shift was -2.52 ± 1.52 diopters.
Is there a hyperopic shift in refraction in adults?
In theory, the hyperopic shift with aging could be power. From studies in adults and children [ 4 – 6 ], it is known differences in axial length [ 5, 6 ]. Accordingly, neither cor- hyperopic shift with ageing. The lens may therefore serve as a major contributor to this shift in refraction.
Can a capsule contraction syndrome cause a hyperopic shift?
In the case of IOL implantation with flexible materials in microincision cataract surgery, CCS can cause a hyperopic shift. Refractive error caused by CCS can be effectively corrected by Nd:YAG laser anterior capsulotomy. Capsule contraction syndrome (CCS) is a common postoperative complication of cataract surgery.
What is the differential diagnosis for unilateral hyperopic shift?
A short history of blurred vision prompts a patient to seek an exam, which reveals a subretinal lesion. The differential diagnosis for a unilateral hyperopic shift includes mechanisms that flatten the cornea, shift the lens posteriorly, or shift the retina anteriorly. In this case, there was an amelanotic choroidal mass…
How does blunt trauma to the eye cause hyperopic shift?
This trauma-induced hyperopic shift might have resulted from corneal stromal thickening without visible edema secondary to transient endothelial cell dysfunction. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such findings in a pediatric patient with blunt trauma to the eye. * Patient’s name is fictitious.