
What does the baby represent in Eraserhead?

What does the baby represent in Eraserhead?

In this reading, it’s possible to see the baby as a representation of Henry’s fear of fatherhood. When he kills it, he’s not literally killing a baby, but killing his fear. He then embraces the Lady in the Radiator, who is his happiness.

Is the Eraserhead baby real?

It is highly unlikely the baby was actually living tissue, though it may have been modeled on such. I have seen mention that it somewhat resembles a sheep fetus, so that may have been the vision Lynch worked from.

What was Eraserheads budget?


Domestic Share: 98.6% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Production Budget: $100,000 (worldwide box office is 71.0 times production budget)
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $28,753,359

What was the secret of the Eraserhead baby?

The secret of the Eraserhead baby is the Holy Grail of Lynch obsessives, and the one thing missing from Greg Olson’s otherwise admirably comprehensive biography of Lynch (David Lynch: Beautiful Dark). And yes, it was the first thing I looked for.

What happens at the end of Eraserhead movie?

At the close of the film, Henry cuts away the baby’s swaddling clothes, only to find that the baby doesn’t have any skin. Disgusted, Henry stab’s the baby’s organs, causing a viscous white fuid to gush out, eveloping the baby causing it to morph into the planet shown in the beginning of the film.

Is there a button set for Eraserhead 1?

ERASERHEAD 1″ Button Set. Horror movie pins featuring The Lady In The Radiator & Creepy Baby. David Lynch Cult Classic! That’s Plus Ultra Baby! Vinyl Sticker- Different Colors Available

Why did David Lynch make the Eraserhead baby?

So there’s one possible explanation – the baby is representative, in some way, of his own daughter (it’s also worth noting Lynch’s marriage broke down 18 months into the shoot of the film). The mutant baby was apparently created from the embalmed fetus of a calf, although David Lynch has never confirmed this or described how he articulated it.