How often must COMAH safety reports be reviewed?
How often must COMAH safety reports be reviewed?
It must be reviewed after five years even if there have not been any changes. The operator must notify the CA of any revision, and also if the five-year review does not lead to a revision.
What is a COMAH safety report?
Regulation 7 of the COMAH Regulations requires operators of top-tier establishments to submit a safety report to demonstrate that they have taken all measures necessary to prevent major accidents and to limit the consequences to people and the environment of any that do occur.
What does top tier COMAH mean?
If you operate a site where the quantities of dangerous substances you use or store meet or exceed the upper thresholds in the COMAH Regulations, you will be classed as a top tier site.
How do you comply with COMAH?
To comply with COMAH, all establishments must have a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) in place, but upper tier establishments will also need to submit a safety report and have two emergency plans: internal and external.
When to send a COMAH safety report to the CA?
HSE and the Agencies work together jointly to implement the Regulations. Central to COMAH is the requirement for operators of establishments, with higher thresholds of dangerous substances specified in the regulations (referred to as ‘top-tier’ establishments) to send a safety report to the CA.
What is regulation 7 of the COMAH Regulations?
Regulation 7 of the COMAH Regulations requires operators of top-tier establishments to submit a safety report to demonstrate that they have taken all measures necessary to prevent major accidents and to limit the consequences to people and the environment of any that do occur.
What do you need to know about COMAH Schedule 2?
The details are given in Schedule 2 but the key areas are: Upper tier operators are required to have a MAPP, which must be included as a separate document in the safety report, and also have the following additional duties. All operators of upper-tier establishments are required to prepare a safety report.
When to submit a cimah update to COMAH?
However, operators whose CIMAH update was due between 3 February and 3 August 1999 have until the 3 August 1999 to submit their COMAH report. The important feature here is that, in these circumstances alone, COMAH, as drafted in the Consultation Document (CD) will allow submission of a safety report in parts.