
Can you still romance Kaidan in Mass Effect 3?

Can you still romance Kaidan in Mass Effect 3?

Kaidan is unique among the Mass Effect 3 Romance options because he is one of only three who can both be Romanced for the first time in this game, or have a Romance from a previous game continued. While he was only available to Female Shepards in the original game, in Mass Effect 3 he’s open to Male Shepards as well.

How do you end a relationship with Kaidan?

You’ll have three options here:

  1. If you pick “It’s not like that” and then “Goodbye, Liara”, you’ll choose Kaidan over Liara, and a Romance with Liara will be locked out.
  2. If you pick “I’m sorry, Kaidan”, you’ll pick Liara, and a Romance with Kaidan will be ceased.

Can you romance Thane and kaidan in ME3?

Romancing Thane in Mass Effect 3 is only available if Shepard initiated the romance in Mass Effect 2. If Shepard started a romance with Kaidan in Mass Effect 1 and saved him on Virmire, Thane will comment on it ahead of the Paragon interrupt.

Can I romance Garrus if I romanced Kaidan?

Mass Effect 3 Garrus romance Garrus is only available to romance in ME3 if you import a save where you romanced him in ME2. On the Citadel later on, Garrus asks Shepard whether she wants to commit to him – confirm this to lock in the romance.

When can I romance Kaidan?

You can begin flirting with him in places after that, such as immediately after the Med-Bay scene, or the Scenic View on the Citadel. You aren’t able to progress the Romance for real however until you complete your first Mission World (either Therum, Noveria or Feros).

Can I Romance Liara and Thane?

You can romance Liara in all three games (with Mass Effect 2’s coming in the Shadow Broker DLC), while pseudo romances with Samara and Kelly Chambers fill out the roster, along with a fully fledged romance with Samantha Trainor in Mass Effect 3. Goddamn does the game do Thane dirty. It’s not that he dies.

Can I romance Thane?

Thane happens to be the only Romance Option in the game who is not suited for any of the bespoke roles, those being Vent Specialist, Leader of the Second Fireteams, and the Biotic Specialist. As such, do not pick him for those roles.

Does Shepard Love Garrus?

Garrus Vakarian is literally on the brink of death and ready to die on Omega until he sees Shepard and then it’s like he gains that will to live again. When you romance him, of course Shepard and Garrus are lovers, but they’re more than that.

Can You Romance Kaidan in Mass Effect 3?

Kaidan is unique among the Mass Effect 3 Romance options because he is one of only three who can both be Romanced for the first time in this game, or have a Romance from a previous game continued. While he was only available to Female Shepards in the original game, in Mass Effect 3 he’s open to Male Shepards as well.

Is there a way to romance Kaidan Alenko?

How to Romance Kaidan Alenko Started in… Gender Preference Romance Type Romance Scene? Mass Effect 1 & 3 Female (Any in ME3) Serious Yes

How many points do you get for Romancing Kaidan?

Romancing Kaidan in the first place during Mass Effect 1 gets you +2 Points. Sparing the Council at the end of Mass Effect 1 gets you +1 Point. Sacrificing the Council gets you -1 Point. If Kirrahe died in Mass Effect 1 and Thane died in Mass Effect 2, you get -2 Points .

Where to find Kaidan Alenko in Mass Effect 1?

Mass Effect 1 If you’re playing as a Female Commander Shepard, Kaidan will be the one to interfere with the Prothean Beacon on Eden Prime during the Find the Beacon Mission. You can begin flirting with him in places after that, such as immediately after the Med-Bay scene, or the Scenic View on the Citadel.