
What is alpha conversion in SAP?

What is alpha conversion in SAP?

The “conversion of internal characteristic values”, in short term: “ALPHA conversion”, is a transaction (transaction code RSMDCNVEXIT) that checks the format of all values of characteristics that use one of the conversion routines ALPHA, GJAHR and NUMCV.

What is the use of Conversion_exit_alpha_input function module?

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT function module converts external number format into an internal sap format.

What is the use of alpha conversion routine?

CONVERSION ROUTINES are also called as CONVERSION EXITS. Conversion routines are used to convert the fields either from display format to SAP internal format or from SAP internal format to display format.

What is the use of Conversion_exit_alpha_input in SAP?

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT : This FM is used to get internal format of that Field LIFNR, i.e. with leading zeros. SAP internal format means it will be stored with leading zeros in the database (Unique No.). Quite opposite. FM CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT : to get external format what We regularly used.

What is conversion routine SAP?

A conversion routine (also known as a conversion exit) uses a self-written implementation to override standard conversions (where values are passed from an ABAP data object to a dynpro field or from a dynpro field to an ABAP data object and in the formatting of data using the statements WRITE and WRITE TO).

How does SAP calculate conversion exit?

Go to a table, field for which you want to find the conversion exit. Double click on data element and double click on ‘Domain’. You can see the conversion exit at domain level ex: MATN1 for MARA-MATNR field. Double click on conversion exit, you will find two function modules.

What is the use of Conversion_exit_alpha_output?

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT SAP Function module – Conversion exit ALPHA, internal->external. CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level.

What is Conversion_exit_alpha_input?

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level.

What is a conversion routine?

How do you create a conversion routine?

Conversion Routines

  1. Step1. Create a DB table with below fields and each field having data element and domain.
  2. Step2. Here the data element.
  3. Step3. The domain with no conversion routine.
  4. Step4. Create the table, activate it.
  5. Step5. Provide the below values and save it.
  6. Step6.
  7. Step7.
  8. Step8.

How do you use conversion exit?

Double click on data element and double click on ‘Domain’. You can see the conversion exit at domain level ex: MATN1 for MARA-MATNR field. Double click on conversion exit, you will find two function modules. CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT is used to convert the external value into internal value.

What is unpack in ABAP?

UNPACK. UNPACK source TO destination. This statement converts the content of the data object source in accordance with special rules and assigns the converted content to the data object destination. source expects the data type p of length 16 without decimal places.

How to use conversion _ exit _ Alpha _ input in SAP?

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT function module converts external number format into an internal sap format. How to use it? Call transaction SE37 with function module CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT. Notes describing and correcting function module CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT are below:

When to use the alpha conversion routine in SAP?

ALPHA conversion routine is registered automatically when a characteristic is created. If you do not want to use this routine, you have to remove it manually For every conversion routine, two function modules are available. You could use these modules without using the actual conversion routine setup, by calling them directly.

How to write LV _ kunnr Alpha in ABAP?

START-OF-SELECTION. DATA(lv_real) = |{ lv_kunnr ALPHA = IN } |. WRITE lv_real. Normally to call function module you need to pass some variable to function module parameter, the dump error occured when we declare different type our variable than parameter of function module.

When does a conversion take place in SAP?

Conversion takes place when converting the contents of a screen field from display format to SAP-internal format and vice versa and when outputting with the ABAP statement WRITE, depending on the data type of the field. If standard conversion is not suitable, it can be overridden by specifying a conversion routine in the underlying domain.