Is Louisiana warm in January?
Is Louisiana warm in January?
Weather in January January is the coldest month of the year in Louisiana, with freezing nights in the northern portion of the state. The average high temperatures are in the 54°F (12.2°C) to 62°F (16.7°C), while the average low temperatures are in between the 33°F (0.6°C) to 47°F (8.3°C).
What is the weather like in January in Venezuela?
Daily high temperatures are around 79°F, rarely falling below 75°F or exceeding 83°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 79°F on January 3. Daily low temperatures are around 63°F, rarely falling below 59°F or exceeding 66°F.
What is Cuba weather like in January?
The average temperature in Havana in January is 21°C (70°F), which is comfortable for many outdoor activities and adventures within the city and nearby Cuban costal towns. The average low temperature drops to 16°C (61°F) for the month, which is the coldest of the year, with cooler evening and overnight temperatures.
How warm is LA in January?
January in Los Angeles is a great time to see this great city. Temperatures are mild and skies, for the most part, tend to be mostly clear or partly sunny. Early morning low temperatures tend to be in the upper 40s F (8 to 9 C) with a few of the colder mornings dipping down into the lower 40s F (5 to 6 C).
Is New Orleans hot in January?
New Orleans weather in January is generally mild, with high temperatures usually in the 60s Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) and lows in the mid-40s (7 degrees Celsius). Occasionally, warmer afternoon temperatures can rise just above 70 degrees.
What is the best place to travel in January?
Best Places to Visit in January
- British Virgin Islands.
- Tulum.
- Jasper National Park.
- Costa Rica.
- Miami.
- Aspen.
- Lima.
- Vail.
Can you swim in the Caribbean in January?
January is one of the best times to relax in the Caribbean islands. Not only is the weather almost perfect, thanks to the scarcity of rain, but the sea temperature is also perfect.
Can you swim in LA in January?
Do you want to swim in Los Angeles in California?…Best time to swim in Los Angeles : the water temperature by month.
Month | Jan. |
Averagesea temperature | 59°F (min: 57°F/max: 61°F) |
Our opinion | freezing swimming |
Details | Sea temperature in Los Angeles in january |