
Is bogwood good for aquariums?

Is bogwood good for aquariums?

Because of this bogwood has two main qualities; firstly, it is safe for use in the aquarium and will not rot in a harmful way, secondly, it will sink (usually!) as it is already waterlogged. When the bogwood is placed in water, these tannins are released, giving the water a yellow-brown tea-like appearance.

How do you prepare bogwood for a fish tank?

Bogwood can be made up of wood species from all over the world, but select bogwood from aquatic stores to make sure its safe to be submerged with fish. Place it in the tank and it should sink, but some may float for several days before sinking.

Where do you find bog wood?

Bog-wood may come from any tree species naturally growing near or in bogs, including oak (Quercus – “bog oak”), pine (Pinus), yew (Taxus), swamp cypress (Taxodium) and kauri (Agathis). Bog-wood is often removed from fields and placed in clearance cairns.

What type of wood is bogwood?

Bogwood comes from several species of tree including oak, pine and yew with colours varying from a rich reddish brown (pine) to jet black (oak) with hues of dark brown in between (yew). Some bogwood is offered for sale as ‘pre-soaked’, though this is actually quite rare due to the additional time and expense required.

What are the benefits of using bogwood in an aquarium?

Bogwood or driftwood have multiple benefits besides adding depth to any aquarium. Bogwood or Malaysian driftwood contain tannins, a compound which taints the water a light brown to a darkish brown. The amount of tannins depends on how saturated the wood was in the first place.

Is the loose aquarium bogwood by Tropix safe?

The Loose Aquarium Bogwood by Tropix looks fantastic as an aquarium decortation, completely safe and non toxic in all coldwaters and tropicak freshwater aqaurium. The Loose Aquarium Bogwood can create fantastic, natural looking aquariums, as well as provding shelter, plants such as java fern will even root and grow from this wood.

How big of a tank do you need for bogwood?

Plant shops like Tropica sell some of their plants prefixed to pieces of bogwood. Even a small piece of about 10.2cm (4″) long in a 60 Litres (15.9 US G.) tank is enough. Sumatra driftwood is an interesting alternative.

What are the benefits of eating driftwood and bogwood?

Benefits of driftwood/bogwood. Over 30% of a panaque’s (group of pleco) diet may consist of wood. It is thought that they rasp on wood to provide a source of fiber or gut bacteria. The tannins in driftwood also helps to create a soft and acidic environment which makes it easier to care for more sensitive fish such as neon tetras or ram cichlids.