
How do I read my treadmill results?

How do I read my treadmill results?

Possible Conclusions

  1. Positive or abnormal: Doctors may conclude the stress test is positive for cardiac ischemia—meaning the heart muscle wasn’t getting adequate oxygenated blood during the stress.
  2. Negative or normal: A negative test result lacks any of the things that could trigger a positive conclusion.

Is 9 minutes on a treadmill stress test good?

In conclusion, for patients able to manage a 9-minute Bruce protocol, presence/absence of symptoms or electrocardiographic changes is a poor predictor of MPS findings. Irrespective of test findings, however, subsequent cardiac risk is extremely low.

How many minutes is good on a stress test?

During the test, the patient is on a treadmill or a stationary bike till he achieves at least 80% of the target heart rate. The target heart rate may be achieved faster in old people; young people and athletes take up to 20 minutes or even longer to attain the target heart rate.

What is a good Mets score for a stress test?

Exercise capacity is based on metabolic equivalents (MET) achieved, (one MET is defined as 3.5 mL O2 uptake/kg per min, which is the resting oxygen uptake in a sitting position). Less than 5 METS is poor, 5–8 METS is fair, 9–11 METS is good, and 12 METS or more is excellent.

Can I drive home after a treadmill stress test?

You may not drive yourself home after your test. Before coming for your test, arrange for someone to take you home afterwards.

How fast do you walk on a treadmill during a stress test?

A cuff on your arms periodically measures your blood pressure. After a baseline recording taken at rest, you begin walking on a treadmill at a slow pace (under 2 mph).

What is target heart rate for stress test?

Your target heart rate during a stress test depends on your age. For adults, the maximum predicted heart rate is 220 minus your age. So, if you’re 40 years old, the maximum predicted heart rate is 220 – 40 = 180.

What do you need to know about Duke Treadmill Score?

Duke Treadmill Score is one of the tools for predicting the risk of ischemia or infarction in the heart muscle. The calculation is done based on the information obtained from an exercise test by this formula: [exercise duration by Bruce protocol] – [ 5 × (maximal ST elevation or depression)] – [4 × (treadmill angina index)]

What’s the total score on a treadmill test?

Total score of >/ = +5 is low risk; -10 to +4 is moderate risk; < = -11 is high risk So, for example, if a patient goes 15 minutes before interruption, but the test is stopped because of severe ischemia and angina, with a 3mm change in the ST wave, the score is thus: 15 – 5 (3) – 4 (2) or 15-15-8 = -8.

What is the Duke Treadmill angina index value?

The angina index has a value of 0 if the patient had no angina during exercise, 1 if the patient had nonlimiting angina, and 2 if angina was the reason the patient stopped exercising. In the original inpatient population, the Duke Treadmill score had a range from —25 (indicating the highest risk) to + 15 (indicating the lowest risk).

When to stop the Duke Treadmill pain test?

Angina index will be zero if no pain appears during the exercise, one if the pain is limited to the exercise period ( typical angina ), and two if non-limiting pain occurs which will be a reason to stop exercise test. One year mortality for the results of the Duke treadmill score in one study has been reported as: ^ a b Alessi, Ann Marie (2010).