
What is the best gun in breaking point?

What is the best gun in breaking point?

Assault rifles

  • 805 Bren: Best damage/handling combo in class.
  • A2: High muzzle velocity, strong power with a hell of a kick.
  • 416: Highly versatile.
  • AK-47: Best penetration in class, kicks like a mule.
  • AUG: Highly accurate, high range, slow reload.
  • G36C: Most agile in class, less damage.

What gun does the most damage in Breakpoint?

The M4 has the highest damage out of all in its class, but this is balanced by its low mobility. It’s a powerful weapon and its reload speed is offset after every kill with its +10 reload speed passive.

How do you get high end weapons in Breakpoint?

High-End weapon part: Salvage any purple weapon. Can occasionally appear as loot dropped from support troops. Elite weapon part: Salvage any yellow “Elite weapon”.

Where is the best gear in Breakpoint?

The best way to find gear in Breakpoint is to open enemy storage crates. You can find these all over the map, but most of the time you can find them in small compounds and villages occupied by enemy soldiers. The gear from these crates is random, but will often be an upgrade over what you have equipped.

Which is the best gun in Destiny 1.0?

The 10 Best Guns in Destiny 1.0 1. Ice Breaker. In terms of its utility, there’s no topping Ice Breaker. Whether it’s a raid, nightfall, or just running… 2. Gjallarhorn. It’s the gun everyone wants, and the arguably the coolest designed weapon in all of Destiny. Gjallarhorn… 3. Fatebringer.

Are there any PvE weapons in Destiny 2?

There are so many weapons in Destiny 2 that it can be really hard to know which weapons are best suited for PVE, Crucible, or Gambit. You’ve got a bank full of weapons, sure, but which ones should you actually be using?

Are there any high class guns in Destiny?

But, there exists among Destiny’s myriad weapons a subset of high class guns that we believe should be in any player’s arsenal. In fact, we can think of at least 10 weapons that are not just powerful but useful.

Which is the best hand cannon in Destiny?

Some may argue with some of our choices, but in the end the list came down to evaluating a weapon’s utility for Destiny veterans. Hawkmoon is a great hand cannon, for example, but Fatebringer is more useful in Arc Burn nightfalls and it’s not that much weaker than the exotic.