What is cord prolapse PPT?
What is cord prolapse PPT?
CORD PROLAPSE • Defined as descent of the umbilical cord into the lower uterine segment where it may lie adjacent to the presenting part or below the presenting part, without intact fetal membranes. • When the membranes are intact, it is called CORD PRESENTATION.
What is the difference between cord prolapse and cord presentation?
Cord prolapse has been defined as the descent of the umbilical cord through the cervix alongside (occult) or past the presenting part (overt) in the presence of ruptured membranes. Cord presentation is the presence of the umbilical cord between the fetal presenting part and the cervix, with or without membrane rupture.
How do you manage a prolapsed cord?
It should be managed as follows:
- Avoid handling the cord to reduce vasospasm.
- Manually elevate the presenting part by lifting the presenting part off the cord by vaginal digital examination.
- Encourage into left lateral position with head down and pillow placed under left hip OR knee-chest position.
Can a baby survive cord prolapse?
For most babies, there is no long-term harm from cord prolapse. However, even with the best care, some babies can suffer brain damage if there is a severe lack of oxygen (birth asphyxia). Rarely, a baby can die.
Why cord prolapse is obstetric emergency?
Umbilical cord prolapse is an uncommon but potentially fatal obstetric emergency. When this occurs during labor or delivery the prolapsed cord is compressed between the fetal presenting part and the cervix. This can result in a loss of oxygen to the fetus, and may even result in a stillbirth.
What does a cord prolapse feel like?
Signs and symptoms of cord prolapse The most obvious symptom of a prolapsed umbilical cord is seeing or feeling the cord before the baby is delivered. Fetal distress from lack of oxygen can also be observed as a sudden and prolonged fetal heart rate deceleration on the fetal monitor (bradycardia) (1).
Why is knee chest in cord prolapse?
To prevent cord compression, it is recommended that the presenting part be elevated either manually or by filling the urinary bladder. Cord compression can be further reduced by the mother adopting the knee–chest or left lateral (preferably with head down and pillow under the left hip) position.
Should a prolapsed cord be replaced into the vagina?
Manual replacement of the prolapsed cord above the presenting part is not currently recommended. Avoid handling the cord outside the vagina, as this induces vasospasm. Proceed to emergency caesarean section as soon as possible.
What is a cord prolapse in pregnancy?
A cord prolapse is when an unborn baby’s umbilical cord slips through the cervix and into the vagina after a mother’s water breaks and before the baby descends into the birth canal. During delivery, the prolapsed cord can become compressed by baby’s body.
How serious is a cord prolapse?
What are the types of cord prolapse?
Cord prolapse may be subdivided into three types: (1) overt cord prolapse, (2) funic presentation, and (3) occult prolapse. With overt umbilical cord prolapse, the cord descends through the cervix into the vaginal canal after the membranes are ruptured.
What is it called when the cord is wrapped around the baby neck?
An umbilical cord that is wrapped around a baby’s neck in utero is called a nuchal cord, and usually is harmless. An umbilical cord is a lifeline for a baby in the womb.
Is there a PowerPoint presentation for umbilical cord prolapse?
Umbilical cord prolapsed – Umbilical cord prolapsed Dr.Pramote Srikaew MD. Dip. Thai Broad OB-GYN Dip. Thai Broad Preventive Medicine Umbilical cord prolapsed UCP Overt cord prolapse | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view
How often does an umbilical cord prolapse occur?
• Overall Incidence of overt cord prolapse is between 0.1% to 0.6%1 • 0.5% in cephalic presentation • 0.5% frank breech • complete breech 5% • footling breech 15%, and • transverse lie 20% 1Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). Umbilical cord prolapse. Green-top Guideline No. 50.
What do you need to know about cord prolapse?
PPT Presentation Summary : Cord or early neonatal acidaemia. Deterioration of fetal heart rate pattern. Sentinel intrapartum event. E.g. Uterine rupture, cord prolapse, placental Source : https://www.hqsc.govt.nz/assets/PMMRC/Resources/PMMRC-2012-workshop-presentations/1400-Cheong-Neonatal-mortality-and-encephalopathy.pptx
How is the incidence of occult cord prolapse unknown?
INCIDENCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY• The incidence of occult cord prolapse is unknown because it can be detected only by fetal heart rate changes characteristic of umbilical cord compression.