
What is 3D seismic interpretation?

What is 3D seismic interpretation?

Full-volume 3D seismic interpretation methods constitute a new approach to achieve high-resolution seismic stratigraphy because interpreters can take into account the full variability of depositional systems and obtain true 3D seismic and sequence stratigraphic interpretations at high frequency.

What is time slice data?

Time slice is a subset selection widget designed specifically for time series and for interactive visualizations. It enables selecting a subset of the data by date and/or hour. Moreover, it can output data from a sliding window with options for step size and speed of the output change.

What is horizon slice?

1. n. [Geophysics] A map view of a particular reflection in a 3D seismic survey, as opposed to a horizontal (depth) slice or at a given time (a time slice). Slices are convenient displays for visual inspection of seismic attributes, especially amplitude.

What do you need to know about 3D seismic?

3D seismic section and a pseudo-stratigraphic slice through the same data cube. (Source: dGB) Typical geohazards which need to be identified pre-drilling include shallow gas, abnormal pressure zones and gas hydrates – all of which can have a crucial impact on future production operations and drilling decisions.

Which is an artifact of a time slice?

Bone , Brown , and Brown have made pioneering use of of time slices in 3-D interpretation. One common artifact that is observable on time slices is the presence of horizontal striations. The pseudo-sun illumination has enhanced the streaks in Figure 7.5-3d. These striations typically are oriented along the shooting direction.

Which is an example of a time slice?

Illumination of a time slice by a pseudosun is an example of such a technique (Figure 7.5-3d). The angle of illumination and its direction can be manipulated for optimum detection. The main structure in Figure 7.5-3d is a salt dome.

How many shots are fired in a 3D seismic survey?

Each shot is fired twice (or more depending on the salvo width). Thus it is possible to have different shot statics at each shot position because of differing ray paths. Wide line spacing is the norm – up to one kilometer or more between shot and receiver lines. The idea is to cover a large area with 3D and do it in the most cost-effective manner.