
Is a septic aerator necessary?

Is a septic aerator necessary?

An aerator helps to push air into your septic system. Research has shown that when the air is introduced into the septic system, the air helps to break up waste faster. It also helps to give the good bacteria in your tank air that they need to survive, help them to thrive, and break up waste quickly.

How long do Septic air pumps last?

between two and three years
Air pumps typically last between two and three years although they can last longer with a proper rebuild kit. You might need to consider replacing your aerator if the drainage from your aerobic septic system smells and looks like sewage or if your sewage backs up onto your property.

Can I add an aerator to my septic tank?

The SepAerator® Septic Tank Aerator from Septic Solutions can be added to any existing septic tank to rejuvenate failing secondary treatment systems such as drainfields, mound systems, and sand filters. This system was designed by experts with over 25 year experience in the aerobic treatment industry.

What does a septic tank aerator do?

What exactly is a septic tank aerator? An aerator, or air pump, pushes air and oxygen into your septic system. The additional oxygen increases natural bacterial activity within the system, that then provides additional treatment for nutrients in the effluent.

What is a bubbler system?

A Bubbler System is a drain system that collects storm water from the downspouts and ground water from the sump pump. It transports the storm water out to the main storm sewer, where it is directed away from the home.

What are aerobic septic systems?

Aerobic treatment system. An aerobic treatment system or ATS, often called (incorrectly) an aerobic septic system, is a small scale sewage treatment system similar to a septic tank system, but which uses an aerobic process for digestion rather than just the anaerobic process used in septic systems. Sep 18 2019

What is aeration septic system?

Aeration septic systems utilize aerobic bacteria which break down human waste faster and more efficiently than traditional methods. The bacteria are injected into the system by means of an electrically powered air pump; a reliable source of power along with frequent maintenance is required for correct operation.