
What is the significance of front porch and back porch?

What is the significance of front porch and back porch?

In the middle of the blanking interval, a horizontal sync pulse is transmitted. The blanking interval before the sync pulse is known as the “front porch”, and the blanking interval after the sync pulse is known as the “back porch”.

What is time period of back porch and front porch?

Back porch is the duration between end of horizontal pulse and start of the next line with video information. Lasts more than front porch around 4.7μs and the main purpose is to give the time to beam scanning for reverse direction (right to left) to start new line.

What is hsync and vsync in LCD?

LCD displays signals and timing parameters HSYNC: Horizontal synch (FPLINE or LP) indicates the end of a line and the beginning of the next line. VSYNC: Vertical synch (FPFRAME, FLM, SPS or TV) indicates the end of the current frame. The next line index should restart at zero in the upper-left corner.

What are front porch pixels?

Front porch, also known as sync offset, is basically padding before the sync pulse. Sync width is the duration of the sync pulse. Back porch is basically padding after the sync pulse, before the start of the active pixels. Total is the total number of pixels including blanking.

What does horizontal back porch and horizontal front porch mean?

Horizontal Back Porch (HBP): Number of pixel clk pulses between HSYNC signal and the first valid pixel data. Horizontal Front porch (HFP): Number of pixel clk pulses between the last valid pixel data in the line and the next hsync pulse.

What does vsync and HSync mean on a screen?

VSYNC pulse width: Number of HSYNC pulses when a VSYNC signal is active. HSYNC pulse width: Number of pixel clk pulses when a HSYNC signal is active. Active frame width: Horizontal resolution. Active frame height: Vertical resolution. Screen width: Number of pixel clk between the last HSYNC and the new HSYNC.

What are the timings for the front porch?

Timings Aspect Ratio 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 H Blank 160 160 80 80 H Front Porch 16 48 8 H Sync 64 32 32 H Back Porch 80 80 40

When does unblanking occur in a back porch?

Colorburst occurs during the back porch, and unblanking happens at the end of the back porch. In the NTSC television standard, horizontal blanking occupies 10.9 μs (17.2%) out of every 63.6 μs scan line. In PAL, it occupies 12 μs (18.8%) out of every 64 μs scan line.