Users' questions

Which spam filter is best?

Which spam filter is best?

The 9 Best Spam Filters in the Market

  • 1) SpamTitan (TitanHQ) SpamTitan is suitable for all types of businesses.
  • 2) ZEROSPAM.
  • 3) Spambrella.
  • 4) MailChannels.
  • 5) Xeams.
  • 6) Topsec Email Security.
  • 7) Symantec Email Security.
  • 8) MailWasher.

Does Thunderbird have a spam filter?

Thunderbird has excellent junk mail controls. If you get a lot of spam, use Thunderbird so junk mail is automatically filtered for you.

How can the probability of a word belonging to spam or not spam be estimated?

Compute Probability of Spam P(S): This computes the probability of any one email being spam, by dividing the total number of spam emails by the total number of all emails.

Does Thunderbird use SpamAssassin?

Mozilla Thunderbird allows you to create custom filters to handle mail. Filters are applied to different email accounts and more than one filter can be used. In the example below, we show how you can move messages that have a high SpamAssassin score into a “Junk” folder.

Which is better for spam filtering bogofilter or SpamAssassin?

To start, if the speed of filtering matters, Bogofilter is much faster than SpamAssassin for the simple reason that it runs fewer tests.

How does Bogofilter assign probability of email being spam?

The mathematically inclined can learn more about how Bogofilter assigns the probability of an email being spam by following the links and reading the man page for the filter. However, the most important point for the average user is that Bogofilter relies on statistical probability, supplemented by each user’s list of spam and ham.

Where did the name Bogofilter spam filter come from?

Bogofilter has its roots in “ A Plan for Spam ,” a 2002 essay by English developer Paul Graham.

Which is the best spam filter for Linux?

Both Bogofilter and SpamAssassin are available as plugins for major email readers and generally require little customization. Both also have high success rates. However, because black and white lists greatly improve each filter’s accuracy, be wary of the various comparisons online.