When did 2 spaces after a period change?
When did 2 spaces after a period change?
In the April 2020 update, Microsoft Word started highlighting two spaces after a period as an error, and offers a correction of one space.
Should you put one or two spaces after a period?
Nearly all style guides agree that one space is correct. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) was the only style guide that overtly recommended two spaces after a period, and even that long-time holdout for two spaces changed its guideline to one space in its 2019 update.
How many spaces should be used after a period AP style?
one space
The Chicago Manual of Style, the US Government Printing Office Style Manual, and the AP Stylebook are just a few of the style guides that recommend one space after a period.
Should there be 2 spaces after a period?
According to the AP Stylebook, single-spacing is correct. The same goes for the Chicago Manual of Style. However, the Modern Language Association Style Center offers different advice, and suggests that writers use a single space after a period unless they have been explicitly told otherwise.
How many spaces after a period following an initial?
two spaces
It’s true that years ago, everyone used two spaces after a period and before the beginning of the next sentence. But these days, the rule is that all types of written material should use one space.
Are you supposed to double space after a period in MLA?
The MLA Style Center Leave one space after a period or other concluding punctuation mark, unless your instructor prefers two spaces. Whichever spacing you choose, be sure to use it consistently throughout your paper.
How many spaces are between sentences?
Always put exactly one space between sentences. Or more generally: put exactly one space after any punctuation.
Does AP style use two spaces after period?
AP style says: Use a single space after a period at the end of a sentence.
Does APA 7 require 2 spaces after a period?
Use one space after a period (or other punctuation mark at the end of a sentence) when writing in APA Style. However, if your instructor or non-APA publisher has other requirements (e.g., to use two spaces), follow their specifications. This guidance has been revised from the 6th edition.
Are there two spaces after a period in MLA?
Punctuation Spacing – Leave one space after a period or other concluding punctuation mark, unless your instructor prefers two spaces. View sample papers from the MLA website.
Should you put two spaces between sentences?
The answer is one. Putting two spaces between sentences, as many people learned to do in school — and are still learning — thanks to early monospaced typewriters “is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong,” according to Slate’s technology columnist, Farhad Manjoo — and every major style guide.
Do you put two spaces after a period in MLA format?
How many spaces do you put after a comma?
Place one space after a comma, a semicolon, and other forms of punctuation falling within a sentence.
When to use one space after a period in APA style?
Use one space after a period (or other punctuation mark at the end of a sentence) when writing in APA Style. However, if your instructor or non-APA publisher has other requirements (e.g., to use two spaces), follow their specifications. Spacing after punctuation marks is covered in Section 6.1 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition
How many spaces should you have after a period?
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) was the only style guide that overtly recommended two spaces after a period, and even that long-time holdout for two spaces changed its guideline to one space in its 2019 update.
Can you put two spaces after a period in Microsoft Word?
You can read more about it in the APA Style Handbook on pages 87-88. Microsoft Word 2010 and later editions does not allow the user to put in two spaces after a period in any automatic way.
What’s the proper way to use the AP style book?
The context should govern such decisions. As a general rule, though, you should avoid what the Associated Press Stylebook calls “alphabet soup.” Consult the Associated Press Stylebook for specific cases. For numbered addresses, always use figures. Abbreviate Ave., Blvd., and St. and directional cues when used with a numbered address.