
Is Optusnet email POP or IMAP?

Is Optusnet email POP or IMAP? provides IMAP access to your account, so you can connect to your emails from your desktop email program or your mobile mail app.

What ports need to be set up for IMAP?

The ports typically used for POP are TCP ports 110 and 995, and for IMAP are TCP ports 143 and 993, for insecure and secure sessions respectively.

How do I setup my Optus email in Outlook?

Outlook Express Setup

  1. Open Outlook Express.
  2. From the top menu: Go to ‘Tools’, then ‘Accounts’
  3. Select ‘Add’, then ‘Mail’
  4. Enter your ‘Display Name’ replace ‘John Cititzen’ with your details. – eg. ‘
  5. Click: ‘Next’
  6. Enter your internet email address. Replace ‘eg.
  7. Click ‘Next’
  8. Enter your email Server Names:

What is the incoming mail server for Optusnet?
IMAP – Incoming mail server setting for use with your Optusnet email

IMAP (incoming) Mail Server
Username Your Optusnet username (without
Password Your Optusnet email password
Server port (no SSL) 143
Server port (with SSL) 993

Which is the OptusNet IMAP email server port?

Incoming IMAP Mail Server : IMAP Server Port : (without SSL) 143, (with SSL) 993. Outgoing mail (SMTP): SMTP Server Port: (WIthout SSL) 25, (with SSL) 465. Username : Your email Password : Your Optusnet email password.

How to access your email account?

To access your email account from a desktop email program, you’ll need the IMAP and SMTP settings below: IMAP Server. IMAP port. 993. IMAP security. SSL. IMAP username. Your full email address.

How to set up OptusNet email in Outlook 365?

Re: setting up Optusnet email in Outlook 365 Host name Username Your email @OPTUSNET Password Your Optus net email password Server port (no SSL) 143 Server port (with SSL) 993

How to open eMule’s ports on your router?

You must do this in the Start Port, End Port, Open Start Port, and Open End Port fields. Use the Name field to set a name. Once you have finished, use Apply to save the changes. After that, click on Add again and choose UDP from the drop-down menu.