Wo zog Wolfgang Herrndorf Nach seinem Studium hin?
Wo zog Wolfgang Herrndorf Nach seinem Studium hin?
Leben und Werk. Wolfgang Herrndorf wuchs in Norderstedt auf, wo er das Coppernicus-Gymnasium besuchte. Er studierte Malerei an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg. Er arbeitete als Illustrator und Autor unter anderem für das Fanzine Luke & Trooke, den Haffmans Verlag und die Satirezeitschrift Titanic.
Welche Preise hat Wolfgang Herrndorf gewonnen?
Leipzig Book Fair Prize/Fiction
Wolfgang Herrndorf/Awards
Was waren die Hobbys von Wolfgang Herrndorf?
Wolfgang wurde zum Einzelgänger. Er begeisterte sich für Mathematik und Physik, tüftelte an Schachproblemen oder baute Bumerangs. Doch er war kein Nerd im klassischen Sinne: Er schätzte jede Art von sportlicher Aktivität, turnte, spielte Eishockey, Handball und Fußball.
Wo ist Wolfgang Herrndorf geboren?
Hamburg, Germany
Wolfgang Herrndorf/Place of birth
Where did Wolfgang Herrndorf go to art school?
Wolfgang Herrndorf studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg. After graduating, he moved to Berlin, where he worked as a magazine illustrator and posted frequently on the Internet forum Wir höflichen Paparazzi (We Polite Paparazzi).
Where did Wolfgang Herrndorf work as a paparazzi?
After graduating, he moved to Berlin, where he worked as a magazine illustrator and posted frequently on the Internet forum Wir höflichen Paparazzi (We Polite Paparazzi). In 2001, Herrndorf joined the art and writing collective Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur, eventually contributing to their blog, Riesenmaschine (Giant Machine).
When did Wolfgang Herrndorf publish his first book?
In 2001, Herrndorf joined the art and writing collective Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur, eventually contributing to their blog, Riesenmaschine (Giant Machine). He published his first novel, In Plüschgewittern (Storm of Plush), in 2002.
When did the book sand by Wolfgang Herrndorf come out?
Sand was released in 2011; it was short-listed for the German Book Prize and won the Leipzig Book Fair Prize. Herrndorf committed suicide in the summer of 2013. His posts on Arbeit und Struktur (Work and Structure), the blog he started after receiving his cancer diagnosis, have been published as a book of the same name.