
Are paralegals licensed in Ontario?

Are paralegals licensed in Ontario?

A paralegal is a professional who has the required education and experience to provide legal services to the general public, but they are not lawyers. In Ontario, paralegals are licensed by the Law Society of Ontario and are regulated as officers of the court.

When did paralegals become licensed in Ontario?

The Law Society of Ontario began licensing paralegals as independent representatives in 2007. This was not a major shift.

How many paralegals are licensed in Ontario?

How many lawyers and paralegals are there in Ontario? The Law Society of Ontario is the largest law society in Canada, with over 57,000 lawyer licensees and nearly 10,000 paralegal licensees (Jan 31, 2021).

How much does a paralegal charge in Ontario?


100% Fee 10% Fee
Annual Fee $ 1,873.00 $ 187.30
Plus HST $ 243.49 $ 24.35
TOTAL $ 2,116.49 $ 211.65

When to apply for paralegal license in Ontario?

Welcome to the online application for the Ontario Paralegal Licensing Process. Both parts of this application process, the application fee and the required supporting documentation must be received by the Law Society by December 2, 2019, by 5 p.m. E.S.T., or a late filing fee will be applied to your account.

Are there any Professional Paralegal societies in Ontario?

Paralegals in Ontario may choose to join two professional paralegal societies: the Paralegal Society of Ontario and the Licensed Paralegals Association of Ontario. The Paralegal Society of Ontario (PSO) provides support, representation and education to licensed paralegals in Ontario.

How to apply for the paralegal licensing process?

Application for Admission to the Paralegal Licensing Process Paralegal Licensing Process Skip Navigation For the Public For Lawyers For Paralegals Paralegal Licensing Process Home Paralegal Application Home Login français June 16 2021 Login to account Username:* Forgot your username?

How to apply for a paralegal license in France?

Paralegal Licensing Process Skip Navigation For the Public For Lawyers For Paralegals Paralegal Licensing Process Home Paralegal Application Home Login français June 16 2021 Login to account Username:* Forgot your username? Please refer to the e-mail that was sent to you titled “Your Paralegal Licensing Process Account”
