
Why am I bleeding 21 days after my last period?

Why am I bleeding 21 days after my last period?

About 3 percent of women experience spotting related to ovulation. Ovulation spotting is light bleeding that occurs around the time in your menstrual cycle when your ovary releases an egg. For many women, this can be anywhere between 11 days and 21 days after the first day of your last period.

Why am I spotting light pink 2 weeks after my period?

Pink discharge at the beginning and end of bleeding with your menstrual cycle is normal. At this time, the blood is just beginning to flow or is slowing down. It may mix with other vaginal secretions on its way out of the vagina, diluting its red hue. Another possibility is irregular menstruation.

Why am I seeing blood after my period?

If the blood flow is light, it is called ‘spotting. ‘ Bleeding between periods can have a range of causes, including hormonal changes, injury, or an underlying health condition. Bleeding between periods refers to any bleeding that occurs after the period ends, or before the period is due to begin.

Why am I still spotting?

There are numerous factors which can cause abnormal spotting after periods. Sometimes post menstrual spotting can be caused by the uterine incapacity to expel the complete quantity of blood during the normal menstrual cycle. Hormonal imbalance is another culprit responsible for abnormal spotting after periods.

What causes bleeding for 3 weeks?

When you have bleeding for 3 weeks, it usually means that you haven’t ovulated lately. Ovulation causes the changes so that the uterine lining cleans itself off with the period. If you don’t ovulate, you may still have a period, but the lining doesn’t clean itself off. Then the bleeding can keep on for a long time.

What are the reasons for spotting?

Spotting can be the result of an injury to the vagina, an underlying health condition, or either a natural or medically-induced hormonal shift. There are many different causes of spotting. Even a normal hormonal shift, such as the one that occurs during ovulation, can occasionally cause light bleeding.

What causes pink spotting before period?

Being under extreme emotional or physiological stress can cause spotting before or after period. Stress can interfere with your hormones and cause irregular periods as well discharge before period. You may also notice pinkish or brown spots on your underwear from vaginal bleeding before your period is due.