Useful tips

What are good small group questions?

What are good small group questions?

What is the messiest job you’ve ever had or the biggest mess you’ve ever cleaned up? (If you are eating, you may want to save this question for last.) What movie or book does everyone love that you don’t like at all? It’s Friday night after a terribly busy week, how do you spend it?

How do you write a small group Bible study?

How to lead small group bible study effectively

  1. Know Your bible study Group: • Know every member of your small group. Show genuine interest and care for them.
  2. Preparation: • Preparation is the most important part of leading bible study group.
  3. Be Creative and Imaginative: • Be creative in your discussions and questions.

What are small groups for?

Small groups serve several functions as they meet instrumental, interpersonal, and identity needs. Groups meet instrumental needs, as they allow us to pool resources and provide access to information to better help us survive and succeed.

How do you make a Bible group interesting?

These people in your group connect with words: writing, reading, and speaking. Give them a moment to read a small portion of the book you might be using. Let them write a prayer oru how they will apply the Scripture. Let them use words!

What to talk about in a group in college?

In this post, we have come up with Group Discussion (GD) for college students. These group discussion topics for engineering students prepare them for facing various entrance exams and interviews in the career.

Which is the best topic for group discussion?

In this post, we have come up with Group Discussion (GD) for college students. These group discussion topics for engineering students prepare them for facing various entrance exams and interviews in the career. 1. Should NOTA be removed from voting? 2. Business and Ethics don’t go hand in hand. 3. Is reservation for women good for India? 4.

What are some good topics for small group Bible study?

Topics. Fighting Isolation – Having other men in your life adds value (Proverbs 27:17) and encouragement (1 Samuel 23:16), plus much-needed tough love (Proverbs 27:5-6). Spend small group time challenging each other to find ways to initiate relationships and/or deepen friendships that are just starting.

What are fun group activities for college students?

But for the 20-year old students, the gadget has been there always. Similar gaps of thoughts between teachers and students require a bridge. And fun group activities can help build that bridge. Of course, group activities are about students working together as a team.