
Does a basement window need a header?

Does a basement window need a header?

One key factor that can limit basement window size is the size of the beam (called a header) that you have to install when you remove a section of your foundation wall. wide) in a wall that runs parallel to the floor joists, you probably won’t need the extra support of a header.

How do I permanently remove a basement window?

Pry off the surrounding window trim with a thin, flat pry bar or hammer and chisel. Insert a reciprocating saw blade into the space between the window and the masonry surface. Turn the saw on and cut the nails holding the window in place. Remove the window and discard or set aside for future use.

Can a basement window be cut through concrete?

Cutting through concrete isn’t as exact as cutting through wood! Since our egress basement window was in a wall perpendicular to the floor joists (in a weight-bearing wall), we built a temporary support wall (Photo 2) to carry the weight before cutting out the window opening and putting in the header.

Do you have to cut a window down to enlarge it?

Enlargements and cut-outs cost more than cutting a window down. If you are looking to enlarge your basement windows, whether to fit fire code requirements or just because, you will need to cut the concrete in the basement walls. Not all window companies cut concrete, but most will be able to suggest somebody in the area.

How much does it cost to cut a concrete window?

You know how much difference it makes to have the right tools. You’ll pay at least half the cost of the job to rent a big gas-powered saw plus the cost of the diamond blade. These companies cut miles and miles of concrete and your window will be a piece of cake for them.

How do you replace a slider basement window?

If the replacement basement window is a slider, sashes and screen panel should be lifted one at a time gently up into the trop track until the bottom of the sash clears the bottom track. The sashes easily come out through the inside. Secure the window in place by installing double-threaded concrete screws along the sides and top of the window.