What does this mean irrevocably?
What does this mean irrevocably?
: impossible to take away or undo an irrevocable decision. Other Words from irrevocable. irrevocably \ -blē \ adverb. irrevocable.
What defines the law of Independent Assortment?
The Principle of Independent Assortment describes how different genes independently separate from one another when reproductive cells develop. During meiosis, the pairs of homologous chromosome are divided in half to form haploid cells, and this separation, or assortment, of homologous chromosomes is random.
What is an example of the law of Independent Assortment?
Example: Pea color and pea shape genes. Let’s look at a concrete example of the law of independent assortment. When Mendel did this cross and looked at the offspring, he found that there were four different categories of pea seeds: yellow and round, yellow and wrinkled, green and round, and green and wrinkled.
What does irrecoverably mean?
: not capable of being recovered or rectified : irreparable an irrecoverable loss. Other Words from irrecoverable Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About irrecoverable.
How is the word irrevocable used in a sentence?
Use irrevocable in a sentence. adjective. The definition of irrevocable is something that cannot be undone or changed. An example of irrevocable is a contract that, once signed, cannot be cancelled.
What is the legal definition of irrevocability?
Unable to cancel or recall; that which is unalterable or irreversible. West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. IRREVOCABLE. That which cannot be revoked. 2.
Is the word ” irrevocably ” the same as ” absolutely “?
Even when a guaranty provides that it is continuing and irrevocable, a guarantor may revoke its guaranty as to future advances not yet lent. Moreover, this right of revocation is generally not waivable. So as applied to guarantees, the word irrevocably is, like absolutely, inherently unclear.
Which is the best example of irrevocably?
Irrevocably is defined as something that is done in such a way that it cannot be undone. When you repeatedly lie to your friend until your friend says he can never trust you ever again, this is an example of a time when you have irrevocably changed your relationship with your friend. YourDictionary definition and usage example.