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What family planning program would you recommend for the Philippines?

What family planning program would you recommend for the Philippines?

The calendar rhythm method of natural family planning (NFP) is one of the most popular contraceptive methods in the Philippines.

What are the 4 pillars of the Philippine family planning Program?

The statement also reiterated the principles that guide the Philippine government in the implementation of population program. These principles are based on the four (4) pillars of Responsible Parenthood, Respect for Life, Birth Spacing, and Informed Choice.

What is family planning Doh?

POPCOM defines Family Planning as a program that enables parents to deliberately and responsibly decide the number and spacing of their children, by avoiding for the time being, or even for an indefinite period, a birth.

How does family planning help Filipino families?

“Research shows that family planning can empower a woman and transform her life, through higher incomes and educational attainment, better health, and greater involvement in her community and in her own household’s affairs,” Osotimehin writes, adding, “Family planning is clearly one of the most critically important …

How long has the Philippine family planning program been in place?

1. The Philippine Family Planning Program (PFPP) 2. The Evolution of the Philippine FP Program • The FP Program has been implemented for about 38 years which started from a demographic perspective to a health intervention oriented program.

What are the components of the family planning program?

Component A: Provision of free FP Commodities that are medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient, effective and culturally acceptable to all in need of the FP service: Component B: Demand Generation through Community-based Management Information System:

What is the MFP guideline in the Philippines?

The guideline provides direction and strategies to accelerate and sustain reduction in unmet need for mFP, and eventually attain the Filipinos’ desired family size especially among the poor and marginalized.

How does the National Family Planning Program work?

Apart from the routine means of FP service delivery, the National Family Planning Program also employs the following main strategies to ensure universal access to FP: FP Outreach Mission – this maximizes opportunities where clients are and FP services are delivered down to the community level.