
How do you calculate land surface temperature?

How do you calculate land surface temperature?

Land Surface Temperature (LST) can be calculated through a thermal infrared remote sensing data. It can record the apparent temperature of the Earth’s surface by measuring the radiant energy exiting its surface.

What is land surface temperature?

Land surface temperature is how hot the “surface” of the Earth would feel to the touch in a particular location. From a satellite’s point of view, the “surface” is whatever it sees when it looks through the atmosphere to the ground.

What is the use of land surface temperature?

Land surface temperature (LST) is of fundamental importance to many aspects of the geosciences, for example, net radiation budget at the Earth surface, monitoring state of crops and vegetation, as well as an important indicator of both the greenhouse effect and the physics of land-surface processes at local through …

What is the difference between land surface temperature and air temperature?

Surface temperatures over land have traditionally been measured at weather stations. However, satellites measure how hot the land surface temperature (LST; including the uppermost parts of e.g. trees, buildings) are to touch, whereas weather stations measure the air temperature just above the surface (T2m).

How to calculate land surface temperature from NDVI in ArcGIS?

Emissivity is a crucial parameter for calculating Land Surface Temperature (LST). One of the algorithms to calculate LST using single thermal band of Landsat 8 (Band 10) or Landsat 7 (Band 6) or Landsat 5 (Band 6) is based on the simplified Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) equation as documented in Barsi et al. (2003).

How to calculate land surface temperature ( LST ) using Landsat 8?

The first step is to download a Landsat 8 image from a particular location, unzip it, and check certain information needed (within the metadata) to execute this procedure. This tutorial shows how to calculate Land Surface Temperature (LST) using the Landsat 8 bands.

How are land cover, LST and NDVI related?

Finally, the relationship between land cover, LST and NDVI was evaluated using the Contribution Index (CI) and Pearson’s Correlation analysis.

How are dn values converted to land surface temperature?

DN values have no unit and any physical connotation, therefore, need to be converted to radiance, then to at-sensor (top-of-atmosphere) brightness temperature and, further, to land surface temperature (LST) in order to draw quantitative analysis from thermal remote sensing data.